Ugh! This book put me through all the feels that I can‘t really identify them all. Just read the book, read the freaking book.
Ugh! This book put me through all the feels that I can‘t really identify them all. Just read the book, read the freaking book.
When I closed, or tapped to, that final page I wasn‘t left wanting or unsatisfied, I was actually left feeling whole. Soaring was a complete, well-rounded, real, and transparent story that made me feel as if I was along on the journey with Mickey and Amelia and not just a fly on the wall.
I loved Archangel‘s Heart, I loved it, I loved it!! It‘s been too long since I‘ve been in a story with Raphael and Elena, one of my favorite literary couple. It seriously felt like a home coming of epic proportions, and to finally get some mysteries solved about Elena‘s past and heritage was a major plus as well.
Do y'all see this?! I about flipped my lid when I was approved to read this book!!!
Received this late last week and can't wait to jump into its pages...stay tuned for my review :)
I just love looking at this cover and I can‘t wait to read The Duke because I already know that its story is going to blow away.
When Bae‘s A Boss 2 was one of my most anticipated reads of the second half of 2016. With the way When Bae‘s A Boss ended I lost my mind a little, I seriously needed to know what happened next. Luckily for When Bae‘s A Boss 2 it was the later reaction, but it sucks because the sequel didn‘t meet the expectations I had when I finished When Bae‘s A Boss.
That freaking ending!! Lately I‘ve been getting suckered into a whole lot of series thanks to the first book having an ending that I just can‘t ignore. Having never read a J. Kenner, or Julie Kenner, book before I really didn‘t know what to expect with Dirtiest Secret, but when I started reading I could not put it down
DNF @16% There wasn't any substance to the story that grabbed and held my attention. Kane wasn't anything that shouted alpha to me either. The characters as well as the complicated, COMPLICATED, fantasy world the author created just didn't work for me.
So I recently got these two book from Audible, but I am having a serious dilemma about which one I should start first.
Finding a series that continues to deliver book after book like the Kate Daniels series is such a blessing and treasure. Magic Strikes again blew me away. It should be criminal to have such a unique, engaging, and appealing storyline and to have a narrator that brings every character to life.