Damn damn damn. So good.
Kicking off Black History Month right. FINALLY getting to this one. 30 pages in and it's VERY GOOD. ✨
#BlackHistoryMonth #ColsonWhitehead #UndergroundRailroad
Read this today in celebration of #MLK Day. As brilliant and beautiful as everyone said it would be. Believe the hype, pick this one up. ✨
#March #JohnLewis #MLKDay #WeNeedDiverseBooks
Only one story in, but holy Moses.
Roxane Gay is fire. 🔥🔥🔥
#feministreads #RoxaneGay #truequeen
Only a chapter in but completely hooked! Want to read before seeing the movie. All of the histories of hidden women, plz! 💕
#feministreads #HiddenFigures #4
Halfway through the Audible version of Jane Eyre. A long awaited reread. Thandie Newton knocks it out of the park! ✨ #JaneEyre
First read of the year! About sex and vaginas and things! Starting off strong. ✨💪🏽🚺 #feministreads
So it turns out I'm on a Toni Morrison binge?!
She is a magical word wizard and this book was bonkers good and beautiful and also heartbreaking. #ToniMorrison
My first Toni Morrison! She is a full on magician. This blew me away. ✨
Have fallen completely in love with Amanda Palmer.
L o v i n g this so far. So fun and so so clever.
Well.. #nosleeptillHallows ⚡️🔮✨
Shit's getting real. ⚡️🔮✨ #nosleeptillHallows
Back at it again with the boy wizard.
#nosleeptillHallows ⚡️🔮✨
Brief break from the Harry Potter reread for this one.
HEAVY but sew goood. 💀
And like that we're on to the next!
#nosleeptillHallows ⚡️🔮✨
And the express keeps chugging along.
#nosleeptillHallows ⚡️🔮✨
The reread continues. #nosleeptillHallows
Reread for probably the 7th or 8th time.
It HOLDS UP, lemme tell ya. ⚡️🔮✨
I've read every Chuck Klosterman book, and 50 pages in I think this may be the best one yet.
It's been some kind of month for feminist memoir.
Both are killer. 💪🏽📚🚺✨
About 100 pages in and completely obsessed.
Have always been a DFW-hater.
This one is changing my mind.