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Joined February 2021

To the preservation of fire
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I‘ve seen this book in libraries and shops for ages, I never got around to reading it until now. I am so glad I read it, it definitely deserves the popularity it has. I love fairytale retellings and I love sci-fi and alternative history so this was just perfect for me. The world is very interesting and well explained. The characters were enjoyable and unique. Though some of the plot twists were predictable, it had solid and engaging plot.

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The only reason I picked up this book is because the author is the developer of NationStates, an online simulator I play 😂 Anyway, It‘s a thriller story about parallel dimensions which is a pretty unique premise. I liked the characters too but the writing style didn‘t really engage me. Idk why. Maybe because it‘s not very descriptive? Anyway, it‘s a decent novel but I didn‘t find it particularly immersive.

Foundryside: A Novel | Robert Jackson Bennett
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A different sort of fantasy to what I normally read, with heavy focus on what it means to free. The main character is a thief who uses her special ability to steal for others and the climax of the book is a big break in. I loved the world building and magic system, it‘s very unique and well thought out. Unfortunately, I didn‘t like the characters most of the time and the constant swearing and adult jokes isn‘t really my thing.

Wild Hunger | Chloe Neill
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I really liked this one. The main character‘s personality was a bit generic, but she had an enough positive traits to make up for that. I liked her relationship with Conner and her friends. Even though this is a spin off series of one I haven‘t read, I was able to understand the setting. The somewhat futuristic setting of Chicago was interesting and even though the magic was a bit too vague for me, I like how it was used in the plot.

Magic Bites: A Kate Daniels Novel | Ilona Andrews, Andrews
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I‘m trying to read outside of my usual genres but I didn‘t like this book. The main character‘s personality annoyed me, the magic system didn‘t make sense and the plot didn‘t really engage me though it did engage me enough to want to finish the book so I guess that‘s something. But I did like how shapechangers work in this world, I just wish they were in a better story. Maybe the other books in the series are better, I‘m not reading them though.

Redwall | Brian Jacques
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This is a really great book, the plot is interesting and there‘s a lot of characters that all have their own personalities and roles to play.There are scenes that show the villains perspective and planning, it makes it clear that he is a serious threat to the protagonists. I also like that despite being a book for younger readers, it‘s not afraid to show violence. I don‘t know if I‘ll read the rest of the series but I recommend this book.

Spirit Animals: Tales of the Great Beasts: Special Edition | Emily Seife, Brandon Mull, Billy Merrell, Nick Eliopulos, Gavin Brown
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Really enjoyed this collection of short stories set before the first Spirit Animals book. I wish the stories were a bit longer though, especially the last one. I feel like the action was kind of rushed to make it fit a certain work count or something. I would recommend it for fans of the Spirit Animals series but it probably won‘t be as enjoyable if you haven‘t read the main series already.

Jurassic Park | Michael Crichton
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I got this book because I really wanted to read the story that the movie was based one. They movie and book are quite different from each other in a lot of ways, the book makes the dinosaurs seem way more terrifying and the park management way more incompetent. The only thing I didn‘t like was book Lex, she is the most annoying character I‘ve ever seen. If you look up the tv trope “The Load”, you‘ll understand. I still really enjoyed it though.

Silver Brumby Whirlwind | Elyne Mitchell
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Didn‘t really like this one, lots of travelling scenes, very little dialogue and the antagonists were the same as other generic jealous stallions from other Silver Brumby books. I found myself getting bored overall. The new characters were fine and the cave labyrinth was kind of interesting though.

Silver Brumby Kingdom | Elyne Mitchell
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I‘ve got the second volume of the Silver Brumby series and have finished reading Silver Brumby Kingdom so far. I finished it but I wouldn‘t read it again. It has nice descriptions of the Australian landscape and nature and I liked the use of dual timelines but the characters and plot weren‘t that interesting. The final battle also seemed to come out of nowhere.

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I read the whole series finally, the writing is fairly simple and so were the plots. But characters, their interactions and the humour made up for it. It also had some rather gruesome and sad deaths for children‘s series. My favourite book was “The Fox Cub Bold” because it had a more serious plot. I also found that final book ended the series really satisfyingly. If you like animal fantasy books, then you should check out this series.

RWBY #3 | E. C. Myers
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I really the show and I wanted to know more about these characters backstories so I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting how it showed them growing up separately but their experiences end up becoming important for the final battle. The secrets they learned individually helping them discover the full criminal conspiracy. The only thing I don‘t like is how typical neo‘s backstory was for a YA novel, her life was unnecessarily miserable.

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Found the first half of the book kind of boring, but once they got back to the Capitol was when the book got interesting. I really liked the unique design of the new arena and the world building. At first I didn‘t care for the new characters, they were all weird and annoying, but somehow the author got me to care about them, I even cared when some of them died.

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Zombies, witches and reincarnation. A surprisingly great mashup of very different tropes. The magic system and fantasy world are pretty similar to the authors other fantasy books but the characters and story were really engaging. I really loved how it combined classic supernatural zombies with modern, virus created zombies. I just wish the series was finished, book 4 hasn‘t been published yet and I can‘t wait to see how it concludes.

The Guardian Herd: Starfire | Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
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A decent fantasy animal series. The characters and settings were nice but not all that memorable. The protagonist, Star, was too perfect though, and his relationship with MorningLeaf wasn‘t satisfactorily resolved in my opinion. But I still don‘t pan it because the story interested me enough to keep reading and it‘s clearly written for younger readers. A lot of people compare this series to Warriors, but it‘s more like Wings of Fire. #Horses

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This was actually the first ever #Warriors book I ever read. After recently re-reading it, I still think it‘s a great introduction to the world and original series. It had the best imagery of ThunderClan I think out of all the books and it did a great job a setting up characters backstories for the original series. I really liked how it made TigerClaw ambition and hatred make more sense. Often prequels don‘t add anything of value but this one did.

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So I finally read it and can understand why it‘s so popular. Very interesting world with a good mix of humour, heart and horror. It did take me awhile to get used to the writing style and the frequent use of flashbacks though. I also think Katniss was a bit too oblivious at times and I didn‘t care about the love triangle at all but I did care about the characters so to me that makes it a good book.

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I don‘t usually read books like this but I actually really enjoyed the first 6 books of the series (haven‘t read the rest). I liked how the whole growing mystery and intrigue of a global conspiracy of #witches was revealed while also having each book reveal something important about the protagonist. A problem I‘ve found with other series is some books just feel like filler, an issue the Shadow Demons saga didn‘t have.

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Enjoyed the characters though the quality and consistency of the plot varied from book to book. I feel like The Last Hope was the best of the series and like I said before, I actually liked Dovepaw/Dovewing as a protagonist. I know many people don‘t like her because she replaced HollyLeaf as a protagonist. Anyway, I feel this was a more enjoyable series than The Power of Three though that series strongly connects to this #Warriors series. #Cats

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First book of #OmenoftheStars #series, haven‘t read the rest yet. In short it wasn‘t terrible but it wasn‘t outstanding, a pretty standard #Warriors novel. I actually liked dovepaw and I thought her powers were interesting enough, hopefully the rest of the series will be more compelling (which I think it should be based on the couple of events I know are going to happen) because this book was just the embodiment of average to me.

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I enjoyed this #Warriors arc better than The New Prophecies arc. I liked the main characters (Especially #HollyLeaf ) and I got excited by the major reveals even though I‘d already been spoiled to their conclusions. The main problems would be the lack of build up for some major events and the many filler stories/red herrings which ultimately don‘t add to the main series arc or character arcs even though I found them enjoyable to read. #cats

How to Rule the World | Andr De Guillaume
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I still remember reading this wild book in my high school senior years. The book is short yet funny with some real history facts thrown in. It was in my schools library somehow and I was the first person to borrow it. I shared it around with others who thought it was funny too though sadly our attempts of world domination have not yet succeeded.

Would recommend for those who want a laugh and/or take over the world.

#comedy #dictator #history

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Read the first arc and enjoyed it. The dragon kingdoms, dragon designs and their abilities were really creative and immersive. The plot of each book was a bit repetitive, always involving facing a Queen and a daring escape, but I wanted to see the conclusion enough that I didn‘t care. I also really enjoyed how the author took the “Chosen One Prophecy” trope and made it unique and interesting. #dragons

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I swear I remember liking this book when I was younger but reading this today was painful and uninteresting. I prefer dialogue heavy books and this book had nearly no dialogue which immediately made it less enjoyable to me. It mightn‘t have been so bad if the writing hadn‘t made it so hard to get immersed in the world and the author was very guilty of violating the “show don‘t tell” rule of writing. I probably won‘t finish the rest of the series.

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Read another Warrior Cat book. This one focused on Firestar and Sandstorm in a slower paced story. I thought the part where the cats were travelling to their destination was quite boring and since it‘s a prequel to the second #Warriors series, there was no fear that the characters would die. I did enjoy seeing Firestar and Sandstorm recruiting and teaching Cats for Skyclan though and learning about the clans past.

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Read the whole series, really enjoyed it and I think the concept of physical #spiritanimals giving people powers is really cool and used well. Don‘t think I would have changed much if I‘d written it myself except I did find it hard to visualise some the places described in the books (maybe I‘m just unimaginative). The only sad thing is that the online game that the books used to promote and I played when I was younger is no longer available.

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Read The New Prophecy #Warriors arc. I didn‘t enjoy as much as the original arc, mainly because I didn‘t care about the new main characters relationship drama. What I did like about it though were the new settings that were explored and clan locations. I can‘t decide if I liked or didn‘t like how each novel would follow a different characters POV and bounced between them nearly every chapter. Overall, I enjoyed it but it could have been better.

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Finally read The Prophecies Begin Arc and it was almost as good as my childhood friends described it. I say almost as good because there were some characters I really didn‘t like and some characters were killed off and forgotten. Here‘s my ranking for the series, with 1 being being my favourite book and 6 being my least favourite:
1. Rising Storm
2. Into the Wild
3. A Dangerous Path
4. The Darkest Hour
5. Forest of Secrets
6. Fire and Ice

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I finally read this book after wanting to read it for years. I had read Bluestar‘s Prophecy before this which helped give some added context to her character and the clans. I would strongly recommend this book if you like stories about animals with their own social structure and religion such as Watership Down, Wolves of the Beyond and Guardians of Ga‘hoole. #Warriors #Animals #Cats

Teresa: A New Australian | Deborah Abela
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I read the “A New #Australian” series in late primary school as well as a similar series “My Australian Girl” and I recently re-read them. The books are clearly aimed at a younger audience, likely #tween. I don‘t love them like I used to but I would recommend the series for tweens/early teens who like #history. I would definitely enjoy a series like this now if it had better characters and better writing.

The Story Girl | L. M. Montgomery
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Just finished reading The Story Girl which had been sitting on my desk for years. It‘s a sweet wholesome book with clever writing and witty humour. I‘m surprised I enjoyed it since almost each chapter is it‘s own self contained story though it does have continuity (same characters, setting etc). I would read the sequel, The Golden Road but I don‘t have the book. I could see the book as a kids TV show. The photo above is the same cover as my book.

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Read this along time ago in school and loved it and wondered if anyone did the same? I read the whole series but I haven‘t read the Fall of the Beast series because I was told it wasn‘t very good. I always thought it was weird how each book had a different author, but at least they managed to keep the book consistent.

I can‘t really rate the book since I haven‘t read it for so long.