(Continued)...With all this power and unique knowledge, the dictator of even a small and geopolitically insignificant country should thus be in a position to write at least a moderately interesting book, even if by accident.
I still remember reading this wild book in my high school senior years. The book is short yet funny with some real history facts thrown in. It was in my schools library somehow and I was the first person to borrow it. I shared it around with others who thought it was funny too though sadly our attempts of world domination have not yet succeeded.
Would recommend for those who want a laugh and/or take over the world.
#comedy #dictator #history
Based on the rating system described below, I give this one a 3.5.
4: Outstanding. At the end of the year, this will be one of the top five or ten books I've read this year.
3.5: Good.
3: Better than So-So; good enough.
2.5: So-So
2: Bad, but I finished it
1: Did not finish
0: Not only did I not finish, but this book/author actually annoyed me