Julie Murphy, teach me your ways.
Also enjoying the recent bout of warm weather and Nicola Yoon (who needs to write more books stat because I flew through the two she has so far in four days with a giant grin on my face 🙈)
Words that resonate with this anxious girl. Saw Andrew McCarthy speak last night with Dani Shapiro for work. Author talks are the best.
I've been reading a lot of memoirs lately that have touched me unexpectedly. This is no exception.
"But the danger that we invite into our lives can come in the most unthreatening shape"
The rules do not apply, hence why there's a dog in this bookshop. So, so excited to start this
"No one leaves home unless home is the mouth of a shark." Warsan Shire puts it perfectly. My heart is aching.
I'm back! Starting off the new year with a 50 book goal and this much buzzed about novel...what did other people think of it? I'm not sucked in.
Will and Kate fan fiction. Bonus chapter was better than the entire book. Freddie forever!
I don't know why I read this because I'm so over Nicholas Sparks, but it was an easy read. Even though as a journalist, this line made me roll my eyes. I just report the news, lady, make the good news yourself!
Finished Lauren Groff's fiction tribute to her hometown while visiting my own. Touching, perfect and exactly why I love her.
Lauren Groff told me to write like hell. Excuse me, if you need me, I'll just be over here dying of happiness.
Guess who I'm seeing speak today? (My copy of Fates and Furies is with my editor.) (I'm so excited.)
Everyone is sharing their patronus, but #describeyourselfin3fictionalcharacters is trending on my Facebook and I can't resist sharing the fictional ladies who best describe me: Becky Bloomwood from Confessions of a Shopaholic, Madeleine Hanna from The Marriage Plot and most importantly, Mia Thermopolis of The Princess Diaries.
I loved, loved, loved this book. Definitely lived up to the hype. Meaningful without being too pretentious. I think Cline nails the insecurity of being a girl in a way that is subtle, yet evident and well-written.
Been flying through books lately (4 already this month, thanks LDW), so taking the time to slow down and do some reading at the library. Liking this already!
Wondering why I continue to let myself be emotionally manipulated by Jodi Picoult books...but at least this time, it's in the pool
Sudden urge to reread these two books right before my weekend trip. Luckily, Emily Giffin makes for some great light reads and this two in one book will keep me busy all through my travel day.
Sudden urge to reread these two books right before my weekend trip. Luckily, Emily Giffin makes for some great light reads and this two in one book will keep me busy all through my travel day.
I recently moved to CT for a reporting job and found out that Maxwell Perkins, editor to Fitzgerald and Hemingway, lived in one of the towns I cover. I was in the area on assignment today and couldn't resist popping over to his old house. It's privately owned now, so no chance at going in, but oh to have been a fly on the wall there back in the day...
I never knew someone could love Gatsby this much and I own four copies of it. Nonetheless, an educational if not glowing look at Fitzgerald and the book that made me want to try and write creatively.
I really love my church book fair
Minor allergic reactions are no fun! Enjoying some sleepy time tea until the allergy medicine kicks in with my main man, Gatsby. My obsession is starting to get embarrassing 🙈
Could go work out...but it's rainy and I just treated myself to sushi and I have chocolate cake and a candle lit and I started my second book today cause I'm indecisive, so maybe I should focus on reading, right?
Reading from my sanctuary of a bed! Popcorn is a close second to tea when it comes to a great accompaniment to a book. Staying in on this lovely Friday and indulging in some Emily Giffin, one of my favorites.
David Sedaris is hitting this whole diary thing on the head. (I should know, I've been keeping one since 2004!)
I haven't laughed at a book like this in ages.
Had this on my desk when I realized that my "piggy bank" (owl bank?) makes the perfect companion for my book! So far loving it-humorous and poignant. I see more David Sedaris in my future.
"My Yiayiá was exactly the sort of friend I'd have liked as an adult, someone with an endless supply of hard-luck stories and no desire to ever write a book." I'm giggling. So far, this book is both humorous and self-aware. I haven't don't essays before, but I like this!
"My Yiayiá was exactly the sort of friend I'd have liked as an adult, someone with an endless supply of hard-luck stories and no desire to ever write a book." I'm giggling. So far, this book is both humorous and self-aware. I haven't don't essays before, but I like this!
"My Yiayiá was exactly the sort of friend I'd have liked as an adult, someone with an endless supply of hard-luck stories and no desire to ever write a book." I'm giggling. So far, this book is both humorous and self-aware. I haven't don't essays before, but I like this!
"My Yiayiá was exactly the sort of friend I'd have liked as an adult, someone with an endless supply of hard-luck stories and no desire to ever write a book." I'm giggling. So far, this book is both humorous and self-aware. I haven't don't essays before, but I like this!
"My Yiayiá was exactly the sort of friend I'd have liked as an adult, someone with an endless supply of hard-luck stories and no desire to ever write a book." I'm giggling. So far, this book is both humorous and self-aware. I haven't don't essays before, but I like this!
"My Yiayiá was exactly the sort of friend I'd have liked as an adult, someone with an endless supply of hard-luck stories and no desire to ever write a book." I'm giggling. So far, this book is both humorous and self-aware. I haven't don't essays before, but I like this!
Pros: great descriptions, wonderful quotes about books, literary guidebook at the end!
Cons: a little flowery and pretentious. Almost rambling at points. But the author is European, so may just be international differences in writing styles. Now onto exploring diabetes with owls!
Working on deadline in a library is tough in that I can't resist taking out the books around me. Was clearly working in the essays/literary analysis section this week.
"What did my fingers do before they held him? What did my heart do, with its love?" Amazing poem. Sylvia never fails to wow me.
Inching through slowly but surely, a little bit before bed each night. Sylvia always makes it worth it.
Interesting description of love that made me pause
Happy #nationalbookloversday! Here's a snapshot of some of the books I've purchased over the past two (oops) days. (for nine dollars total though, how could I not??)
Finished this Sunday and the trailer popped up on my Facebook this morning! I had no idea they were making this into a movie! Timing is funny. I'm unsure if I'll see it, because I worry they'll change the ending.
Found the loveliest used book shop at the library near me the other day. Got 4 books for $7 and it's next to a Starbucks. I could've fainted, it was absolute heaven. Finally got a few on my TBR list, including "The Other Boleyn Girl," which I've been dying to read for ages. Can't wait to get started and can't wait to get back here!
"The bookseller could not imagine what might be more practical than a book..." Onto the next read and loving it already.
Riveting book about a childless couple living alone on a light house in 1920's Australia and the consequences of the choice they make to keep a baby that washed ashore in a boat. A layered story, and by the end, you make pick a side, but you feel for every character.
Before getting this book, I found out some dear friends of mine were in a serious car accident across the country. Feeling helpless, I decided to read The Cursed Child while waiting to hear from them. Not only did it ease my mind, but it managed to offer advice on how to be there for them while far away. Thank you, Harry and co., for consistently being there for me and teaching me about the most important things when I need it most.
"There comes a moment when you get lost in the woods when the woods begin to feel like home." Entering Litsy with my favorite quote from my favorite book, "The Marriage Plot" by Jeffrey Eugenides.