Perfect company to start a new book... though reading The Big Sleep would have been a better fit 😲
#raymondchandler #cat #book #noir #polar #detective #philip #marlowe #penguinbooks
Perfect company to start a new book... though reading The Big Sleep would have been a better fit 😲
#raymondchandler #cat #book #noir #polar #detective #philip #marlowe #penguinbooks
Currently reading. Already really impressed by the narrative structure and the poetry of the writing.. it's beautiful, moving, simple.
#LitsyAtoZ #currentlyreading #tonimorrison #beloved #books #readinginFrench #literature #NobelPrize #readinginAustralia
Just started the last book of the Lunar Chronicles and I'm loving it: the right amount of humour, bravery, love, friendship and actions under the disguise of a classic fairy tale.
#LitsyAtoZ #winter #lunarchronicles #currentlyreading #fairytale #snowwhite #bookworm #readingchallenge
Currently reading... in French.
#readingchallenge2017 #LitsyAtoZ #angelahuth #bookwoorm
Reading in French. It's about the amazing life of Nadia Comaneci, a Romanian gymnast who won several golden medals at the Olympic Games in 1972 and 1976. It also gives an amazing insight about what life was like for people living under Ceausescu's regime. The lack of food, the impossibility to trust anyone as everyone is spying on each other... almost done with it and so far a very good book. #readinginFrench #literature #communism #sport #women
Reading Fall of Giants over the Huka falls in New Zealand... nothing like a dramatic setting to enjoy an epic reading!
#kenfollet #fallofgiants #reading #books #WW1 #epic #historical #fiction #love #war #europe
I just read this trilogy in December... and I just loved it so much: it opened my mind and my heart! I wish I'd read it when I was a little girl but it's never too late to enjoy such beautiful reading. It will be a beautiful present for everyone who loves reading and escaping while thinking about the meaning of life.
#literature #scifi #fantasy #top100inalifetime #mustread #goodthingscomeinthree
Bedtime reading... #Scarpetta - I believe it's number 16 in the series and so far I had read only the first four but I really enjoy the set up and pace of this one!
#crimenovel #thriller #fastpaced
So so excited to read this book! I heard so many rave reviews about it... So far, I'm really into it and it gets all the right ingredients: a pinch of dystopian future, a good ounce of energy crisis/climate change impact, a lot of 80's references, video gamers and virtual reality!
Perfect read for the train after an exhausting long day at work!
Perfect Sunday afternoon spent reading!
I'm loving it even more than the movie and God knows how much I enjoyed and cried about that movie.
I hated-loved that book. It's so plausible, the society this book describes could so easily become our reality of tomorrow.
The brainwashing process for Mae, how she could be se easily manipulated and completely transformed into that empty-shell kind of ambassador was really disturbing and fascinating.
The frontier between using technologies for the greater good without falling into a technological totalitarianism is getting thinner every day.
A book to read, telling an intoxicating story that is at once distinctively feminine, African and universal. It's a coming-of-age novel which also questions the legacy of colonialism and impact of religion and oppression against a backdrop of domestic violence.
I read it extremely slowly, simply because I couldn't take too much at a time, deeply feeling the various forms of violence and the strength of the characters. And it's so well written.
I really enjoyed that book except that I think it could have been better a 100-page shorter. I deeply enjoyed the richness of the characters, even with their stereotypes. How being a woman, how being black, how one's is constantly looking to feel and be at the right place, to belong, are particularly well-written and thought. And there are some moments that are really funny and plausible which makes it even better!
Quite disappointed by this book... I love Agatha Christie and regularly read and re-read her books as they are my kind of comfort-reads. But this one is clearly not one of her best and barely got a pass.
I'm slowly going through Foucault's Pendulum. I really enjoy it but it's the kind of book you don't want to rush. And it was also nice to take break while touring in Northern Territories- Australia
I'm slowly going through Foucault's Pendulum. I really enjoy it but it's the kind of book you don't want to rush. And it was also nice to take break while touring in Northern Territories- Australia
Humbled by the power of nature and the power of literature
#umbertoeco #ubirr #australia
I've just started this one and I have to admit, it's not an easy read! But I'm now over the 100th page and the book is slowly coming together... It's been a while since I haven't had a proper challenging read. And I'm loving it! What about you? Any difficult read for you at the moment?
Currently reading for the next Bookclub on Wednesday...
I read that +900 page in almost a seating (well not really given there is work and other things you have to do during the day) but I couldn't put it down! Fast-paced, but not too packed with action scenes, I simply loved the rhythm and both the hero and the anti-hero. Of course you may want to take it with a grain of salt, but it's highly entertaining & interesting.
A Little Bit of Paradise on earth... It's a corner made for me!
A Little Bit of Paradise on earth... It's a corner made for me!
A Little Bit of Paradise on earth... It's a corner made for me!
Currently reading at the moment.. No sorry currently in love at the moment! I'm loving every word, every punctuation, every second spent reading, feeling, falling for that book!
One of the best books I've read in 2016. Rather than trying to extend our lives, no matter what, the focus should be about how to best live every day, especially when facing diseases in terminal stage and/or old age. A powerful reading.
This book is so much more than that quote but I think it's kind of the quintessence of the reading. Really powerful.
You are no less or more of a man or a woman or a human for having depression than you would be for having cancer or cardiovascular disease or a car accident.
Currently reading - perfect for a lazy sunny Sunday!
The Cider House Rules - I really loved The World according to Garp and so really excited to start reading this one!
Currently reading! So far loving that unusual character and the writing is good to the point I can immerse myself in that world of odours and why having such a sense of smell really is a curse.
Still very relevant to some of our hottest issues today linked to progress and climate change...
Just re-read "what we did to father" and even if I didn't laugh out loud, I still enjoyed a lot the irony and dry/absurd humour of this book