I kinda love his take.
I kinda love his take.
Italy acquires Umberto Eco library and archive
"The acquisition follows an agreement between Eco's family and the culture ministry, with the state to guarantee the conservation of the remarkable heritage, making it accessible to students and scholars."
Although it's less than a third of the length, this is basically a rehash of “Foucault's Pendulum“ with conspiracies to restore Fascism in post WWII Italy playing the role of the Templars and other occult groups in the earlier work. The occultists held my interest much better than the fascists.
My last meeting with Umberto Eco ended in a DNF and afterwards I didn't touch a single one of his books, until this one came along. I had to check the authors name on the cover a couple of times because I just couldn't believe that I was reading an Eco. But I was and I was delighted. Sometimes the story gets a bit out of hand, but I loved how Eco shows us how conspiracy theories work.
My cat is also a reader. She's telling me I should finish this 😫
#readingcat #thenameoftherose #umbertoeco
“Usually the recipe for a bestseller is to give people what they want. My challenge is and was: give them what they do not expect. Be severe with them. The world of media is full of easy answers, wash-and-wear philosophies, instant ecstasies, what-me-worry Epiphanies. Probably readers want a little more.”
― Umberto Eco
(This quote is not from the tagged book)
#QuotsyJuly19 @TK-421