Such a fun beach read set aboard a sailboat. I liked how the author portrayed a family dealing with divorce and trying to to heal as well as letting go of resentment and anger. The setting was fantastic and it made for a great beach read.
Such a fun beach read set aboard a sailboat. I liked how the author portrayed a family dealing with divorce and trying to to heal as well as letting go of resentment and anger. The setting was fantastic and it made for a great beach read.
A charming beach read set on a Scottish island involving family, confronting the past, a sweet love and of course, delicious food. A perfect addition to your beach bag.
"I just sat there listening to the sound of water swishing onto the shore and trickling back out again. And I let that lake have its full effect on me, giving into every uninterrupted thought, every memory, as they came, as they were. Not how I thought they were. Not how I wanted them to be."
"At the start of summer, my life had made sense. In a messed-up, dysfunctional sort of way, but it was predictable. I could count on the same things to happen each day and for people to act the same way. Camp Kismet had blown the whole life-making-sense thing out of the water, though. In barely a week."
"I didn't even hesitate. So much of life is not being sure of anything. How I wish, later, I'd been able to savor them, those few steps and moments when for once, I just knew."
"Uncle Dom poured himself a small glass of bitters. “Women always stand together, and it starts early. Don‘t ever play Red Rover at Sacred Heart School. Those girls form a line like a chain-link fence—believe me, the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame couldn‘t cut through it.” He downed the glass."
So sad to say goodbye to this series. I love the characters and their quiet and relatable stories. A fantastic YA series for fans of contemporary fiction.
"Grief was like an omnipresent bird of prey, always circling. She felt its shadow, but she couldn‘t tell when it would strike. Whether it was induced by the logistics of navigating clogged interstate highways with two hungry, exhausted children, or by the smooth, cool surface of a seashell pressed in the palm of her hand by her youngest child, the grief always found her."
“You have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity here, Monique. You can see that, right?” “Of course.” “So do yourself a favor and learn how to grab life by the balls, dear. Don‘t be so tied up trying to do the right thing when the smart thing is so painfully clear.”
A delightful beach read! Thayer truly knows Nantucket. After reading this novel, I desperately wanted to plan a trip there. Darcy, a young divorcée, lives in the house she inherited from her grandmother. Her ex-husband and his new wife rent the house behind hers (cue all the drama!) and next door has new renters as well as a few doors down who both end up capturing her heart. This book is about the beauty of unexpected friendships and moving on.
I am a huge fan of Emery Lord and while I appreciated this novel, it wasn't my favorite. I loved the summer camp setting and how Lord portrayed religion (she wasn't preachy at all!), but felt the romance as well as some family secrets revealed towards the end could have been handled better. I think many young adults will appreciate this book though and its important message.
Current Read: "Right on time or days overdue, Cliff House gives me the same feeling every time. We pull into the drive and the gray shingles, white trim, and brilliant lilacs beckon. This is my forty-fifth summer at Cliff House, something north of four thousand days, but my stomach still somersaults with the thrill of it, the promise that our lives will change, if only for a season."
Even though this wasn't my favorite of Dessen's novels, I still appreciated the overall message of self-love and acceptance, which is the perfect theme for the YA audience. Colie's journey and self-growth while in the gorgeous coastal town of a Colby makes for a beach read with heart.
I really enjoyed this beach read all about family, secrets, and the inevitable bumps in life. The gorgeous setting of Cape Cod also stole my heart.
"It was almost Memorial Day and just cool enough. The entire summer lay ahead, ripe with promise, teeming with possibility, a flower right on the verge of blooming. You could taste the energy of that night as clearly as the potato salad, as if everyone was leaving behind the stress of the year, sending it out to sea, letting it go to fully enjoy this, one of the most special places on the planet."
I loved this story about a soldier with a troubled past and an aspiring musician who find themselves involved in a marriage of convenience due to financial reasons. Of course they don't expect to have real feelings for one another and I adored their unlikely love story. One of my favorite books of the year.
A cute YA historical love story about Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler's courtship. I had a few issues with historical inaccuracies and embellishments; nonetheless, a charming read that fans of Hamilton will appreciate the most.
Mixed bag - I enjoyed the setting, family secrets, and a few of the characters. I struggled with the amount of characters (confusing!) and how, essentially, the book was about rich people behaving badly. It got old quickly. Frankly, I expected more from Brashares.
Current read - "One could not control nature, her father would tell her, but controlling the nature of others was altogether a different matter. The fates of many were often altered by the voice of just one."
I think I am in the minority here with my thoughts on this one, but it was just ok for me. I had some issues with it (the children's lack of adult supervision, the lack of characters that I truly cared about, and the issues with Cal's allergy...why no Epipen????), but I will say it was very well-written. I am glad I didn't put it down despite the fact that I wanted to many times.
"This all brings me to today‘s Southernism: “You can‘t tell much about a chicken potpie ‘til you cut through the crust.” Just because somebody‘s beautiful on the outside, with the best clothes, perfect children, and a loving husband, doesn‘t mean there‘s nothing rotten on the inside. And you won‘t know until you dig a little deeper."
just finished it--loved it! I was able to predict a few of the plot twists, but overall, it was fantastic.
Current read: "Because I would bet money—and I‘m not a betting person—that each one of those women has something in their closets they‘d rather not air. Everybody does. Especially those who are always eager to cast the first stone."
A very suspenseful story inspired by Jane Eyre. This one kept me on the edge of my seat and was very fast paced.
Current Read: "Do you believe in fate? Sometimes I want to. I want to believe that we all walk some path toward . . . something, and our paths intertwine for a reason. Like this, the way we‘ve found each other. The way you told me the right story when I so desperately needed to hear it."
If you like Lauren Kate's Fallen series, you'll enjoy this book as it's very similar. I liked the Scottish setting, the trip to London's famous landmarks and the magic. I could have done without the insta-love. I just wasn't feeling the chemistry.
I really enjoyed this Beauty and the Beast retelling, especially the Russian influences which was a nice touch.
A cute contemporary that has a sense of urgency since the main character is only in Tokyo for one more week. I just wish the author developed the setting of Tokyo a bit more as not many YA reads take place there and it has so much potential.
I am so conflicted about this book. On one hand I was thoroughly disgusted by all the characters in this book. The gross factor is off the charts. But on the other hand, I couldn't stop reading it. Despite its issues, it was very compelling. So, I am torn.
A charming coming of age story about Old Hollywood, Ingrid Bergman, and the Catholic Church's influence on movies. While I liked Alcott's A Touch of Stardust a bit more, this one was still interesting for those who enjoy all things Old Hollywood.
This one was such a fun YA debut. If you enjoy tough heroines, an unlikely romance and of course, pirates, you should give this book a try. I loved the Black Sails vibe to it.
A sweeping historical saga filled with a lot of romance, heartache, and historical detail. I loved the WWII setting of Russia and even though this was a lengthy book, I was glued to it. I highly recommend this book to fans of historical fiction who enjoy the genre along with a lot of romance.
While this book in the series wasn't my favorite by any means, I still can't deny Gabaldon's skills as a compelling storyteller. Overall, I enjoyed this next step in Claire and Jamie's adventures as well as the historical setting. But man, this book was verrry long. This series is not for the faint of heart.
This was just an ok read for me about a young girl who ascends to the throne after many members of the royal family are poisoned. I loved that it was a stand alone YA fantasy (which never happens!) and I enjoyed the strong female friendship. There was a lot of court politics as well as a romance that didn't exactly work for me.
I am SO glad I finally picked up this book before the TV show airs in a few days. I loved the scandal, the secrets, the drama, the humor, and did I mention the dark secrets? Enjoyed it all! This is my favorite of Moriarty's and I can't wait to watch the show on HBO.
Not my favorite of Williams' novels, but still a fun romp through Jazz Age NYC. There are two parallel storylines and I found myself drawn to the historical one a bit more. I mean who doesn't love Prohibition Age NYC?
I enjoyed this YA international murder mystery with a revenge plot. The setting of Kenya and the Congo was very interesting. This book definitely kept me on the edge of my seat; plus, there's some good plot twists!
Such a fun book! I really enjoyed this opposites-attract story. Not only was the romance great, but it had funny parts as well that had me laughing out loud. It would make for a great vacation/beach read.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I will try to keep up with this a bit better this year. Anyway, I really enjoyed this historical fiction with some paranormal elements, some time travel, and of course some romance. If you are a fan of Diana Gabaldon, like me, then you need to check out Kearsley's novels. (I liked The Winter Sea a little bit more than this one, but both good!)
"To the friends of my youth, with whom I dreamed, rode bikes in the street, and created make believe worlds in our basements and bedrooms...we may not have seen each other in decades, but the echoes of our laughter rebounds in my heart, still."
Ok, so I now get the hype surrounding this compelling read. Even though parts were excruciatingly violent and dark, I was hooked. I could do without some of the sexual violence and I would have loved a more kick-butt protagonist, but overall, it was an unputdownable read. Looking forward to the sequel.
The best part about this book was the medieval Wales setting; otherwise, it was just your average historical read.
This was my first Nora Roberts. It was perfect for me at the time. It has a slow burn romance, a gorgeous setting, and a touch of fantasy. While some parts were overly saccharine, the setting of Ardmore, Ireland stole my heart. Can I please spend the day at Gallagher's pub?
This book takes place in my hometown, so I LOVED all the local references. This is a perfect read to bring on vacation or for a lazy Saturday. It begs us to ask "what if?"
Just an ok summer read. I loved the small southern town the story is set in and the friendships depicted in the novel, but the romance didn't work for me.
This one wasn't my favorite of Forman's novels, but her writing was compelling, as usual, and I could appreciate the story of an overworked and over stretched mother. I didn't always agree with the main character's decisions, but I could empathize with her. This book would be great for a book club as it leaves much to discuss.
One of the best historical novels I've read this year. I loved being lost in Gerald and Sara Murphy's world. Their parties, the gorgeous location, the endless drama all made for a great beach read. I especially loved their fabulous entourage complete with famous people like the Fitzgeralds and Hemingways.
"That was the thing about weddings: They forced family members to deal with one another, like it or not." So true! I'm currently reading this while on vacation - a perfect summertime read so far!
If you enjoy historical fiction, you'll like this glimpse into Margaret Tudor, Henry VIII's sister's life. I didn't know much about her, but now am completely fascinated with her life. So many ups and downs! Her interactions with her sister Mary and Katherine of Aragon made me sad though. I wish they supported each other more and weren't so petty. All in all, a good read!
A really cute beach read. Other people have told me this book could totally be the next Hallmark movie and they are right. My favorite aspect of the novel was the setting of Minnow Bay. Can I live there please? It reminded me of Gilmore Girls' Stars Hollow. Not a mind blowing read, but a charming one that's perfect for vacation.
I enjoyed this coming of age tale featuring a strong heroine names Ivy. Parts of it broke my heart (mother/daughter relationship isn't great), but I liked Ivy's journey and all the literary references! A smart YA beach read.