Weekend reading at my new house (it has a library!!!)
It's happening you guys it's happening!!!!!! 🌹
I started this this morning. Homegirl has vocabulary skills, I already had to look up 2 words lol they were too big for my Monday morning driving-to-work brain. Anyway. I'm so excited for this.
My cat be crazy. I was looking all over for him.
I ummmmmmmm bought this last night on iBooks so time to read #weekendreading
Im reading in cold blood on my iBooks and I discovered the note taking feature and am loving it 🤓
Weekend road trip reading. Got this 3 days ago for my bday ✨✨
Requested this bad boy from the library when I heard that Aidy Bryant would be starring in a Hulu adaptation of this. I am loving it so far. Lindy is killing me.
The audio book made me cry today. I can't wait to make my sister read this.
Evening plans. I got the glass from the Library of Congress gift shop. I got the beer from the gas station. I got the book from the library. And, just so I include everyone: table is IKEA. Lol.
Somewhere on disc 4 I found myself sobbing on the commute home from work, so there's that
In a weird reading slump (😞) so this is one of our coffee table books we choose movies from every now and then. My boyfriend works on movies and tv so we felt like we needed this book.
How I'm reading I Stop Somewhere...iBook purchase on my mac while boyfriend watches the cavs
I liked how he has dissected addictive behavior. Also listening to russel's British accent was fun and I couldn't help laugh at every time he asked the question: "are you a bit fucked?" In his proper English tone loll
It's payday! Also guess I should buy myself a book day! 🤓😍 you know, as a reward.
This was amazing to listen to!!!
When an author I like name drops other authors I save for later 🤓
I'll have to say I'm confused as to why anybody would listen to anything she says and why she craves power so much and also I'm not a fan of twins and twin love triangles. But I liked that she was a crazy bitch. Oh! And I'm trying to imagine any situation in which a sword looks cute over a ball gown.
K COOL I broke down and bought this on iBooks. This is what happens when my boyfriend watches golf.
Is she gonna fuck the doctor or not I need to know!!! lol
Listening to this one. (Thank you library!)
I love the design of cover of this book!
Oooooo hooo hoooo hoooooo I get so excited to read fucked up stufffffffffffff
Interesting, sad, funny, and not cliche. Quality