Terrific. Well-written, fun to read and conversational, like you're hanging out after a run, being regaled with a tale by Phil Knight himself. Worth the read, no matter how well you think you know Nike. Highly recommend.
Terrific. Well-written, fun to read and conversational, like you're hanging out after a run, being regaled with a tale by Phil Knight himself. Worth the read, no matter how well you think you know Nike. Highly recommend.
My life is Friday Night Lights: small town Texas, husband is a coach. This book is a portrait of 80s high school, football culture, cross-town rivalries, racial relations and of oil booms and busts. It is well-written and solid long-form journalism. You needn't be a sports buff or even a fan to appreciate it. Recommend the 25 anniv issue for a heartbreaker of an update on the post-HS lives of the players.
Picked because it was Booker shortlisted and it underwhelmed. Well-written, as you'd expect. Lots of head, little heart. Well-crafted, but with little to say. Low mystery, no thriller and it failed to deliver any gut-punch or feels. A TBR check-off, nothing more. Also my H for #litsyatoz @BookishMarginalia
Transcendent. Best book I've read in a long time, maybe ever. A tortured and luminous fictional character study of the forgotten castaways of an old unnamed prison. Some are actually on death row; others are fighting death and decay by degrees. Everyone longs to be seen and feel true love. Can't recommend it highly enough.
#atozlitsy or is it #litsyatoz
Fun steampunk YA coming of age with a brainy, plucky and unconventional female lead. If you secretly wanted Velma to get her due from the Scooby Doo gang, this is your kind of heroine. A free Kindle book so I had low expectations, but am reminded not to judge a book by its cover. Surprisingly good and recommended.
If you've ever suspected that all hell breaks loose in big box retail stores once they're closed for the night, this is for you. Also for you if you're down for a mashup of horror and humor, tongue in cheek-style.
A complex and layered ghost story with supernatural goings-on. Not horror as it's come to be, but well-written and not easy to guess how it'll unfold. Worth a try if you like it mostly ghostly.
Today's PSA: Ghostbusters is a little golden book. I was blissfully unaware that Stay Puft had gone golden. Am I the last to know? Now I'm wondering what other favorite movies have gone Gold or should be...Weird Science, ET, Escape from Witch Mountain?? MIND BLOWN.
#allhallowseveread -- Got Malevolent (book 1 of 3, Diabolical is 3) for free awhile back. Figured it'd be a throwaway. Figured wrong. Love the main character, backstory and villianry. Tore through 1 & 2 and now tearing through this third one. Recommended! Not exactly horror, but compulsively dark!!
#halloween is the perfect time for an Icelandic ghost story. Want chilly and atmospheric? Give this a shot.
Not traditional horror, but in the wise words of Joey Lawrence: WHOA. #halloween
i loved this book! it combines my favorite things: YA with an edge, late 80s-early 90s setting pockmarked with pop culture references, and roller rink action. plus, its designed like a HS yearbook which takes ot over the top. if any of that appeals to you, or the idea of demon possession of one of the Heathers would totally explain how HS girls can mean girl so hard, this is for you. Read it, then call your hs BFF and catch up.
This is super-creepy and very ambitious. Really liked the (understandably) damaged main character. Gets a bit long in a few spots, but reads at a rollicking pace in others. Overall, I couldn't put it down! Pays homage to author's father, without being a knockoff. Recommended for horror or Stephen King fans.
Can something be lush and spare at the same time? This is. Read it for all the feels. It had me with the title, but it reads like a gem. Poetry even non poetry fans can get behind. Try it.
Not for everyone: A novel about how disaffection and isolation can become the seeds of terrorism and ripple effects of "small bombs" over generations. Profoundly tragic, but written with empathy.
The Familiar, vol 1: Artful storytelling, literally. At the rate I'm page ogling, I'll never make it through the three volumes. From the same author as the fantastic House of Leaves.