My January Wrap Up video is up! https://youtu.be/hDZE2RTeJno
My January Wrap Up video is up! https://youtu.be/hDZE2RTeJno
New booktube video is up! Click on the link to watch my Friday Reads https://youtu.be/_XvhnYu1Pss
So happy with my first #fairyloot box! I was gonna pick Caraval up when it's released next week, but now I don't have to!
I made another quick #booktube video talking about how. I'm getting on with the #DiverseAThon link here-
#bookstagram #books #reading
It took be a whopping 15 hours to finish my initial #24in48 book (Shift by Hugh Howey). Now I move onto #Lumberjanes volume 1, which is also my first book in the #DiverseAThon
5 hours into the #24in48 and I'm about halfway through Shift. Lunchtime soon yay! #readathon
I redid my bookshelves, because...well what else do you do on a Friday night with an impending readathon on the horizon! Pretty displays make me happy. I've gone my genre and colour rather than alphabetised this time.
Who else is doing #24in48readathon tomorrow? Does anyone have any tips? #shelfie #bookshelf #books #reading #bibliophile #booklover
I filmed a quick review of this book. See video in full here- https://youtu.be/9pZLdTTv2UY #booktube #bookreview
Lovely relaxing bath done. Now I'm curling up on the couch and reading
I'm being brave again! We went to Manchester yesterday, visited some bookshops and ate loads of food. So I made a big of a vlog!
#booktube #vlog #bookvlog #books #bookshop #bookstagram
Had a great book shopping day in Manchester. I need to go back for a bigger browse. Paramount Books was a treasure trove of awesome Sci fi 2nd hand books!! #books #bookshelf #vigil #angelaslatter #offireandstars #theessexserpent #bookstagram #leviathanwakes #themedusachronicles #bladerunner
I'm trying to get my YouTube off the ground and spending my spare time waffling about books! feel free to check out my latest video and subscribe of you like the content! https://youtu.be/P_yZzkqmamI
#booktube #books #shelfie
New read for me today. This was part of the Moth Box book package I got a few weeks ago. Looking forward to reading something a bit different to my usual stuff. #currentlyreading #lindacracknell #mothbox
So excited to get this in the mail today! #valerianandlaureline #valerian #thecityofshiftingwaters #scifi
I made a new booktube video. Find my channel here- https://youtu.be/IgrjrpUXXWg
I am beyond excited to have this in my possession. I was trying to wait for the paperback, but I'm too excited!
So happy! Today I received my #mothbox, a book recommended by #stephenking #cosmicengineers and another book swap book from a random Internet person. #books #reading
Currently reading 1 story per day in this beautiful book. it's really helping me to feel festive!
my goodreads longest and shortest books of 2016 #thelongwaytoasmallangryplanet
I loved this book. It's part memoir and part tips and advice, written in the wonderfully clear and to the point style of Stephen King. It's really helping to keep me motivated.
My partner gets me the best birthday gifts!
This book is getting so good! The relationships and the way they develop is fantastic. I want a family like these guys!
Currently reading the long way to a small angry planet and I have to say I'm loving it so far. It has a very Firefly vibe to it!