Refining my palate with this fabulous book. 🍷❤🍷❤🍷❤🍷❤🍷❤🍷❤🍷
When politics makes you want a new perspective. #cosmos #insignificantspeck #observableuniverse 🌌🌛💫🌒
What better way to read the last chapter of this sweet, poignant book, than with a tea from the protagonist's native land? 📚 ☕️
"But under certain circumstances, the Count final acknowledged, this process can occur in the comparative blink of an eye. Popular upheaval, political turmoil...sweeping aside aspects of the past that might otherwise have lingered for decades. And this must be especially so, when those with newfound power are men who distrust any form of hesitation or nuance, and who prize self-assurance above all."
"For it is in these saints in ordinary life that the true spirit of democracy finds its most profound and abiding expression." - Dr. King #fortheprotesters #standingrock #blacklivesmatter #occupy
Reading on your new couch with your husband = priceless. Especially since he bought me this wonderful book! 📚🐛‼️
This book is getting a time out for literally being unbelievable. Great cover + a good premise + lots of hyperbole = 😒. I'm still reading it, but I have my doubts, people. I have my doubts.