Currently reading
So I may have started reading a biography and accidentally really got into it?? Is there a help group I can attend? 😂😂
Is anyone else a major Kasie West fan? I just read Listen To Your Heart and I was just about to claim it as my favourite KW book but then I remembered how much I adore them all! BRB going to order some more now 😂😍
My Stranger Things collection growing slowly but surely, and yes that is an ST Monopoly back there
Not a book related question but out of curiosity, how many Monopoly games do y‘all own, if any?
Classic lit retelling? Check
Totally swoon worthy? Double check
Olivia Twist was right up my alley and I absolutely adored it! I‘m usually wary when books are written in a different (previous) time period - historical fiction isn‘t totally my thing but I find there are some exceptions - but this was flippin amazing.
What are y‘all currently reading?
TB to my holiday in Vietnam earlier this year. To All The Boys is such a nice holiday read 😍
Sorry I‘ve been a bit MIA ~ I finished writing my first full length novel (YAY) and got stuck into the wonderful Owlcrate pick
I‘ll try to be more active, I promise 💕
#sorceryofthorns #margaretrogerson #owlcrate
It‘s just been a classic autumn weekend 🍂
#aristotle #poetics #georgeorwell #animalfarm
Also does anyone have any graphic novel recommendations? I really want to get into them but I have no idea where to start! 😩
We finished our study in 1 Corinthians last night. We‘ve been going through this New Testament book since December and it‘s been a good time
#bible #biblestudy #corinthians
I absolutely adore this book! Present tense because I will never not be thinking about it. Do yourselves a favour and read everything Tricia Levenseller has written and you won‘t regret it
#warriorofthewild #tricialevenseller #wotw
Look, to be honest, I wanted to like this book so much more than I actually did. I always hate it when that happens, thus this is the first book (and hopefully last) that I didn‘t finish
#mkengland #thedisasters
What‘s everyone‘s favourite historical fiction books? I need reeecsss
#enchantee #gitatrelease
Easily one of the nicest covers I‘ve ever seen 😍😍 can‘t wait to see this adapted to the big screen
#nicolayoon #thesunisalsoastar #adaption
You mean to tell me that the whole Maid Marian love interest sub plot in like every Robin Hood movie ever comes from the one (1) time she was mentioned in the prologue??? #robinhood #maidmarian #themerryadventures #howardpyle
I think I‘m going to try and read (and finish) a classic every now and then. This is me starting for the year
#howardpyle #robinhood #classiclit #classiclitchallenge
I‘m sorry can we just appreciate how amazing this cover that was HIDING UNDERNEATH A DUSTCOVER is because I‘m a little hurt I found this out by accident 😂😍
#foolishhearts #emmamills #gorgeous
YAYAYAY Guess who got maaailllll
#emmamills #foolishhearts #obsessed
I think I adored this far too much 😂💕
#emmamills #famousinasmalltown #booksoflitsy
Finally finally finally got a this one and you can bet I started reading it immediately 😂
#thedisasters #mkengland
It‘s only taken me a couple of years but I finally decided to give this one a go. And look! Two quotes!
#myladyjane #englishhistory #ya #cynthiahand #jodimeadows #brodiashton
Finally starting to read Amber and Dusk from the December Owlcrate box!
#amberanddusk #lyraselene #owlcrate
Three very good, and very biased reasons why you should pick up Two Can Keep A Secret:
1. I adore this plot,
2. I also adore this author and and how she writes, and maybe most importantly,
#twocankeepasecret #karenmcmanus #2019reads
~I kind of wonder what it feels like to love something so much that you‘re even happy to fail at it~
Book 3 in 2019 down. Now, what to read next??
#puddin #juliemurphy #readsof2019
Can it please be April already?? I‘m so keen for this release
#newreleases #ifimbeinghonest #ya #april #2019
I absolutely love it when an author puts quotes at the start of their novel 😍
Ps feel free to give me ya book recs
#puddin #dumplin #juliemurphy #currentlyreading
~There‘s some kind of peace that comes with knowing that for every person who is waiting to be found, there‘s someone out there searching~
Book 2 in 2019. So glad to finally read it after watching the movie on Netflix
#dumplin #juliemurphy #netflix #ya #adaption #litsy
~I like knowing you exist~
First read of 2019 - starting the year off strong
#emergencycontact #diverseya #ya #maryhkchoi #januaryreads #litsy #2019reads