Litsy friends! I am happy to announce that I am expecting a bundle of joy on October 3rd!! 💕(yes national mean girls day)
I‘m going to need alllllll the recommendations on baby books I can read to him/her ☺️
Litsy friends! I am happy to announce that I am expecting a bundle of joy on October 3rd!! 💕(yes national mean girls day)
I‘m going to need alllllll the recommendations on baby books I can read to him/her ☺️
@dariazeoli thank you for the lovely letter and super cute card 💕 it was the pick me up I needed before my finance midterm!
Also a WIP pic of the built in bookcases. They are getting there!
So...this has been my last 2 months. The riveting world of Finance. I haven‘t had time for much reading at all lately, but the good news is this course is finished in 3 weeks and that my next courses should be much less demanding. Just wanted to let you guys know I‘m not dead!
It‘s my birthday so obviously I went to the book store 😎
Loved this story. A little predictable towards the end but in the best way 💕
My big boy slipped on some ice last night, and after a vet visit this morning we found out he tore his ACL. He will have to have surgery but for now its comfy blankets and lots of rest. 🐶❤️ Should be pretty easy given all the snow outside!
Got my BOTM this week (pictures), along with the book I ordered FOREVER ago for @dariazeoli ,so I can finally send out the package Monday 📦
Feeling a little blah this weekend, but that leaves a lot of time for reading! 📚 🌺
About halfway through this book and really enjoying it so far! Love all the little side stories the lost items had.
First book of 2018 finished ✨I am in love with this magical world and I am counting down until October 💕
I swear when I get really excited, and I yelled to my boyfriend in the other room “this is going to be a f***ing movie and I can‘t f***ing wait!” as soon as I finished this. 😂
Some mail came today! Ordered this for #24in48 readathon! Also some cute notebooks I got for my first semester of grad school 😲
Now if only my pen pal goodies I ordered would get here faster! I‘m dying to send these packages.
Bedtime reading and puppy butts 🐶
LOVING this book so far. I‘m at about 65% and it‘s hard to put down. I haven‘t been this in love with a universe since Harry Potter.
Ok- I LOVED this book, it kept me turning the pages. It‘s one of those stories you think about for days after you finish it. It was hard not to reach through the pages and strangle Anna‘s mother though. I‘ll admit as soon as Anna started talking about her brother being in Purgatory, I was really hoping it wouldn‘t be because he raped her, but I guess her happy ending made up for it.
Just signed up for #litsyatoz 2018! I also selected the ‘all TBR‘ books challenge because that stack is ever growing 😢 Good luck to everyone that signs up and thank you @BookishMarginalia for creating this 💕
A Christmas gift from my Dad! He is a “from the list” kind of gift giver, but this one he picked out all on his own so it‘s extra special ❤️
I feel like I‘ve totally ghosted on Litsy 👻!
First of all @dariazeoli thank you for the card!! It seriously made my day. It‘s been a little stressful here and I‘ve been so jealous of my bf because his family has sent him a ton of cards! You were my first! (and probably only).
I am waiting on a couple goodies to come in the mail then my very over due pen pal packages will be going out!
P.S. how cute are these new prints for my reading room??
Hey guys! I‘m not dead, just enjoying sometime in Mexico for Thanksgiving 😊 @dariazeoli expect a post card soon!!
What a nice break from renovating! Thank you @dariazeoli for my first King! Also a perfect spooky read for October 👻 🎃 #litsypenpals
These are going out today @dariazeoli @OrangeMooseReads ! I'm really proud I only stuck to one Halloween item each 😂👻💀 #litsypenpals
Look at what came in the mail! Thank you @OrangeMooseReads for filling up my mailbox with a letter and some goodies 😍 Love the Michigan stuff especially since I really miss living there this time of year! I will get something back in the mail soon! 😊
I haven't been that active on Litsy lately but my last month are so has been full of renovations on the never ending project that is my house. Going camping this weekend to get away and read! ⛺️
@dariazeoli look what came in the mail! Thank you for the lovely letter and the awesome socks! 😍😍 Always brightens my day to get something in the mail 🙂 #litsypenpals
Good morning Litsy ☀️
It's been a crazy couple weeks but I'm dedicating today to reading 📖 😍
A character in this book was eating cherries, so I just HAD (😉) to have them! Loving this story so far, it's a real page turner!
A new spooky book and a nostalgic meal with a vegan twist! 'Cream' of mushroom soup (way more delicious that it looks) over toast, a staple from my childhood! Also shameless #cincy plug 👻
Not book related but I'm not sorry. MY 👏🏻 DOGS 👏🏻 ARE 👏🏻 IN 👏🏻 PAJAMAS 👏🏻
(also they got new bones to help get comfy in said pajamas)
#listypenpals! Got my first letter today from @dariazeoli and got one out in return 💕 @OrangeMooseReads I'm going to get your letter out this week and @Lynnsoprano I finally responded to your email! Now it's wine time 🍷
Hope you all like stickers 😝
Picked these up for #litsypenpals !!! So yeah @dariazeoli we are gonna have matching stamps sorry 😂😂
I feel like Hudson would wish he has was at my dinner party (seriously this dude goes after everything, including apple cider ?)
Here are my 5 guests:
Günter Grass
JK Rowling
JRR Tolkien
Haruki Murakami
Jane Austen
Almost to 19 hours and I can really feel myself slowing down. I'm constantly rereading pages! 😫 #24in48
16 hours in, and on to the next one. Something a little kid and spookier 👻#24in48
I slept a little later than I anticipated :/ so now I have to pretty much read non-stop if I want to get to bed at a decent time tonight. #24in48
Whew. My brain is numb 😂 Time to catch some z's and do it all again tomorrow #24in48
Most of my books are still at my old place to be moved next weekend, but here is what I could muster together for a #diversestack #24in48
Also, is it sad I'm ready to get my 24 in? I found a store near me that has lots of paper-y things and I'm dying to get stuff for #litsypenpals 😍!!! Hoping tomorrow but depends on far I get today, might be a week night errand!
I'm 8 hours and 11 minutes into #24in48! Time for a break, but first #puppybutt 🐶
I don't know what I just read, but I liked it. (Also kitty snuggles 😭😍)
Next up is something a little lighter and spookier! 👻 I got this free from BOTM a while ago. I get the vibe Pancake isn't about this readathon thing 😂 #24in48
Happy #24in48 everybody! There is a 99% I'm gonna lose power, because I always do. (I'm the Columbus dot) I have a couple hundred pages left in this book so that's what I'm reading first!