Ahhhhh!!! I got a signed copy! Now the question is, do I drop all of the other books I'm reading and dive in? Or do I save it for readathon? #decisionsdecisions #johngreen #wordnerdproblems
Ahhhhh!!! I got a signed copy! Now the question is, do I drop all of the other books I'm reading and dive in? Or do I save it for readathon? #decisionsdecisions #johngreen #wordnerdproblems
My most recent book hauls. I swear that I'm sneaking books into my apartment like a Mexican Drug Lord.
#noidonothaveaproblem #youhaveaproblem #nochaptersstoresupnorth #wordnerdproblems #adultswholoveYA #maybookhaul
(please try to ignore the current mess that is my kitchen table/computer desk - I'm preparing to move haha.)
SO. As I usually do, I'm changing the tune of my #readathon haha. It started as a cozy mystery plan, and thanks to @erickaa I've decided that these are going to be books #2 and #3. #indecisive #wordnerdproblems
Same. ✊🏼