They are wrapped and calling my name. This paper (which feels so luxurious) looks familiar but I still don't know who my match is and by the time I search #secretsantagoespostal and #wintersolsticbookexchange it'll be past unwrapping time.
They are wrapped and calling my name. This paper (which feels so luxurious) looks familiar but I still don't know who my match is and by the time I search #secretsantagoespostal and #wintersolsticbookexchange it'll be past unwrapping time.
It's here! I'll probably leave everything in the box to avoid the temptation. 😇
Wrapped, packed and flying south. 'Who' could it be headed to??
@MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
Yay! @MrBook @BookBabe and @Avanders are kindly running #SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticBookExchange head over to their pages to sign up. ❄️
Please repost to spread the word and tag all three people and use this book. Sign up ends Nov 10th!
Eeeek!!!! My #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticbookexchange arrived!!! All the way from Israel! 🇮🇱 Now how in the world am I going to be able to wait until the 21st to open it???