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When this artist exhibited at the New Britain Museum of American Art, I was privileged to experience her work. She explains in her introduction that when she moved to Japan she tracked “ her thoughts, ideas, dreams,people, etc., in what became a visual wave…this drawing invites interaction, and I invite YOU to become a part of this piece.” The exhibit invited just that same response. #summersouls #wave #day30

Eggs Lovely idea! 2mo
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My #1 favorite Barry Manilow song. If you want to hear Trisha Yearwood sing it, accompanied by Mr. Manilow himself, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC6rf1-ArPM

Eggs 💔😔❤️‍🩹 2mo
dabbe @Eggs #IK! It fulfilled all of my teenage angst in the 70s. When I thought the first breakup was literally the end of the world. Oh, if only I could talk to that girl ... 🤗 2mo
bthegood @dabbe - my thoughts exactly!! thanks for sharing the song - 🙂 2mo
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Eggs @dabbe This is evocative of how I felt when my husband passed. Devastating 😔💔 2mo
dabbe @bthegood 💙💚💙 2mo
dabbe @Eggs 💔 😔 ❤️‍🩹 2mo
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Three Summers | Margarita Liberaki
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The fact that I am sailing in #Greece now adds a lot to this book. It‘s about tasting and smelling and feeling Greece and I literally do now. I enjoyed the stories about three sisters growing up, as we learn by getting glimpses of their lives through three consecutive summers. Lovely book!

#ReadingEurope2020 🇬🇷 #NYRBBookClub #NYRB #Summerfun #SummerInTitle #LitsyBitsy #Wave #ATY2020 #RelatedToOlympicSummerGames

RedLeaves Looks amaaaazing!!!!! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm 😍 awesome! 4y
Cathythoughts Lovely ✨ @erzascarletbookgasm Jessie did you get a copy of Three Summers ? I have one now 4y
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Freespirit What a great experience!! 4y
erzascarletbookgasm @Cathythoughts I don‘t. Too bad I won‘t be reading along. 4y
Tanisha_A Wow! How perfect indeed 😍 4y
JennyM Looks beautiful - perfect read! Enjoy 😊 4y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm oh dear. I wish I could send you one ... only still no post 🙄. I will when I can ❤️👍🏻 4y
batsy That looks like utter bliss! 🥂 So glad to hear you enjoyed the book 💕 4y
CarolynM That looks heavenly! I'd so love to be there with you. Enjoy😘 4y
wanderinglynn That looks amazing! Greece is high on my list of places to visit. Plus I love sailing ⛵️ 4y
Librarybelle So beautiful! 4y
Cuilin Looks wonderful. Enjoy. #wave 👍 4y
squirrelbrain Looks wonderful! Have a fab time! 4y
AmyG Wow! Enjoy every wonderful minute! 4y
MoonWitch94 How amazing!!!!!!!! 4y
GatheringBooks Oh wow! That is awesome! 4y
LeahBergen Look at you! 😍😍😍 4y
Cinfhen Livin‘the high life ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen absolutely 😇 4y
ValerieAndBooks Is that a glass of Retsina 😊? Glad you‘re having a great time! 4y
BarbaraBB @ValerieAndBooks That would be so fitting but it is “just” wine! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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#9 #Wave #LitsyBitsy

My grandchildren got caught by the wave!

Cuilin #9 #wave 🌊👍 looks like fun. 4y
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“The Swan”

“This laboring of ours with all that remains undone, as if still bound to it, is like the lumbering gait of the swan.” 👇

#PoetryMatters | 7: #Wave

📷: Made with Typorama

LiterRohde “And then our dying - releasing ourselves from the very ground on which we stood - is like the way he hesitantly lowers himself into the water. It gently receives him, and, gladly yielding, flows back beneath him, as wave follows wave, while he, now wholly serene and sure, with regal composure, allows himself to glide.” (edited) 5y
TheSpineView Lovely! 💜💜💜 5y
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Magic City | Yusef Komunyakaa
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OriginalCyn620 Beautiful pic! ❤️🙌🏻😊 5y
TheSpineView 💜💜 5y
Lcsmcat @OriginalCyn620 It‘s a beautiful lighthouse, but I didn‘t take the picture. It‘s from a tourist site. 5y
Graywacke Walcott... 💚 5y
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TheSpineView 😊😊😊 5y
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Waves | Ingrid Chabbert
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