Instead of driving myself crazy, or driving myself to drink, over elections results, I've decided to move to a galaxy far far away and hang with the Sith.
#Vote2020 #ReturntoCivility #BlueWave
Instead of driving myself crazy, or driving myself to drink, over elections results, I've decided to move to a galaxy far far away and hang with the Sith.
#Vote2020 #ReturntoCivility #BlueWave
As the world holds its collective breath to see the outcome of our election in America....Barnes & Noble is making a seriously SOLID point! 🤪🤣😂 #booknerdhumor #butseriously #whereisthenextbook? #vote2020
Brought a book to keep me company in the early voting line 🗳📖
#vote2020 #yaagyasi #readtheworld #readdiversely
Got up at 4:30 am yesterday so I could drive an hour, volunteer for a two-hour shift at Planned Parenthood escorting patients past screaming protesters, drive an hour home — and then go to work at my full-time job. Because nearly 50 years after Roe v. Wade gave women our legal right to choose what we do with our own bodies, we STILL have to deal with strangers who think they get to make our medical decisions for us.
Volunteering at the polls for the Connecticut primaries so that the regular volunteers (who are older and therefore a more vulnerable population for the virus) don‘t have to brave a pandemic to sit in a closed room all day.
And as the machine official I get to hand out the stickers, which is totally THE BEST JOB OF ALL.