#Solid #QuotsyApr20 @TK-421
Giving my last in a series of lectures on The Grapes of Wrath in this beautiful space! #seemoreopera #thegrapesofwrath #artseducation
The new shirt I got from 2nd and Charles #TheSpeaker #TraciChee #bannedbook #bannedbooks #book #books #AFarewellToArms #TheCallOfTheWild #TheGrapesOfWrath #AnimalFarm #OfMiceAndMen #Lolita #TheGreatGatsby #ToKillAMockingbird #Catch22 #SlaughterhouseFive #ForWhomTheBellTolls #AClockworkOrange #InvisibleMan #TheCatcherInTheRye #TheColorPurple #ABraveNewWorld #TheLordOfTheFlies #AsILayDying #InColdBlood #TheAwakening #TheReaderTrilogy #Fantasy 📚💓📚
1. It's complicated so I'll just say Project Manager in a Rare Books department 🙃
2. Bookseller
3. Waitress (I lasted a week!)
4. Why can't someone just pay me to read all day?! (but my current job is pretty good)
#hellothursday @wanderinglynn
I‘m really enjoying listening to this.
Had I read this in school 20 years ago, I don‘t think I would have appreciated it the way I do now.
Steinbeck makes me feel like I‘ve gone back in time and am experiencing that part of American history right there with the Joads.
#thegrapesofwrath #steinbeck #california #classics
“A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.”
My morning reading view (Napa, California)
#thegrapesofwrath #bookquotes #napa #california #quotes #nofilter
Born and raised in California, yet I have never read this classic. Here we go!
#thegrapesofwrath #greatamericannovel #steinbeck #california #americanliterature #classics
Book stores that only stock 3 of the 13 long-listed for the Manbooker! #manbooker #FavoriteReads #TheGrapesofWrath
Seems appropriate to be finishing discussion of this book with my 12th graders on #InternationalWorkersDay #TheGrapesofWrath #Steinbeck
So many beautiful quotes in this book. Slowly rereading with my 12th graders for first time since college. I forgot how much I loved those in between chapters in the novel. #thegrapesofwrath #steinbeck #currentlyreading