Research for work is always varied and never-ending! #currentlyreading #artseducation #seemoreopera #seemoretheatre
Research for work is always varied and never-ending! #currentlyreading #artseducation #seemoreopera #seemoretheatre
Giving my last in a series of lectures on The Grapes of Wrath in this beautiful space! #seemoreopera #thegrapesofwrath #artseducation
This is only marginally book-related, but I'm producing an operatic adaptation of Jack & the Beanstalk for children, and tomorrow's our first performance. I can't wait to see a full house of young people experiencing theatre magic! (Pictured: my amazing Giant and his stilts.) #seemoretheatre #artseducation
Creating some educational materials for an opera adaptation of The Hobbit. I knew my Elvish dictionary would come in handy someday! #thehobbit #artseducation #sindarin