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Primer | Aaron Smith
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We are at the beginning of the biggest SWAP season of the year. Most of us hosts ask everyone to abide by @Litsyswaps rules, which are posted in the graphic above. However, for those new to Litsy or new to swaps I have put together this #SwapPrimer of how things work.. This has been updated from last year.

This is meant to ensure we all have a great time. If you have questions feel free to ask me or the host of the swap you are interested in

LibrarianRyan 2. Any and all specific host rules may overrule these general rules, but most do not. Most will include these rules into their rules in some form or another. They may not be word for word (I'm lazy, I copied and pasted years ago and still use it) but most rules DO NOT CHANGE.

If there is a rule you do not like in the swap THEN DON“T DO THE SWAP! It is that simple.
(edited) 3y
LibrarianRyan 3. Pay attention to the theme if there is one. Please do not sign up for a Steampunk swap, if you hate steampunk. Just putting in the additional notes that you hate steampunk but wanted to do a swap, is NOT a good way to get involved. All us hosts want you to have a great time both giving and receiving, so please don't start up on the track to fail. If you are open to trying something new, swaps ARE a great way to do so, just mention it. (edited) 3y
LibrarianRyan 4. Commit to your commitments. Do not sign up for a swap you know you can not afford. Also, If you can only afford 1 swap, do not sign up for 2.

FAIR WARNING: There is a BLACKLIST. Actually there are at least two, maybe more. We hosts talk and keep notes. Yes you can get off the blacklist, but it requires someone willing to trust you and give you a chance. Meaning, it may not be easy.
(edited) 3y
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LibrarianRyan 5. In partnership with 4, if you're in trouble, say something. Let your host know. We know about and understand emergencies. Whether its illness/death in the family to hurricanes, we hosts will work with you. We talk to your swap partners and work out alternatives, switch things up, cover, etc. COMMUNICATION IS KEY. The sooner we know, the sooner we can help. We want this to be fun for all, not a burden or a concern when life happens (edited) 3y
LibrarianRyan 6. Still going with 4 and 5, please do not think that just because you change your screen name that you will automatically get off the blacklist. Sorry. Does not work that way.

You should AT NO TIME between signing up for a swap and opening day change your screen name. You should also have your account set to the public. If you have blocked specific littens, please let your host know if you end up paired.

LibrarianRyan 7. Just as there are bad swappers, I will be honest there are hosts who are better than others. I know when I host swaps I can be a bit of a nag, so I would not be surprised to find out I was on someone's “nope“ list. At the same time, I personally keep track of swaps I did not enjoy and why. What makes a good host is different to everyone, so an awesome host to me, may be someone else's nightmare and vice versa. That is okay. 3y
LibrarianRyan 8. If you want to host a swap, you can. There is nothing holding you back. But know ahead of time it is a lot of work. Even the simplest smallest swap takes up soooo much time. For a newbie, think of it this way, you will probably spend one - two hours on your swap for everyone who signs up.

That means you could spend 40 hours on work for a swap of 40 people. The more you do it, the easier it gets, but not always.
(edited) 3y
LibrarianRyan 9. Go into swaps for the fun, for the excitement, the joy. Don't go into swaps for what you will get out of it. Some will post spending limits, or have you pick a price range, some do not. Don't look for a me versus them: what did I spend, what did they spend. Set your own budget. What you want to do and what you can afford. And be understanding that not everyone may be in the same situation you are in. 3y
LibrarianRyan 10. Be open to not getting what is on your wishlist. If you only want and will only except books on your list, you may limit the person sending to you, to something they can not do. Wishlists are great ways for matches to get ideas, but if you are a core believer of “only want I want“ you may want to do a book store run rather than a swap. 3y
LibrarianRyan 11. Overall, what us various hosts want is for everyone to be happy. We want everyone to have fun and be energized for books! But we can not do it all. We need your help as someone who signs up for a swap to help make them all they can be. And I bet they will be great.

LibrarianRyan 12. Last thought, as mentioned Halloween Swaps are the biggest time of the year Last year there was at least 5. So be on the look out. Have a great time, and as always, if you have any questions, please ask. If I don't know the answer, I can usually get it for you.

Happy Reading.

JoeMo Thanks for the info! It‘s appreciated as I was just thinking about signing up for one for the first time….now I can definitely say I was warned about all of the ins and outs that are involved 3y
LibrarianRyan @JoeMo Yeah. a few of us hosts got together a years ago to find a way to mitigate problems. We had one bad year... so now every year right around the Halloween mark, I post the primers. Divided up on what to know about before you sign up and a second on “stalking“. I hope you enjoy your swap. @wanderinglynn and @sprainedbrain (if I put down the wrong person I know she will correct me) are great hosts for your first time if u need help deciding 3y
wanderinglynn Thanks for posting this Ryan! 3y
sprainedbrain Thanks for doing this, Ryan! 🥰 3y
AllDebooks I'm new to swaps so thank you posting the rules x 3y
LibrarianRyan @AllDebooks you are welcome. There is also a part 2 that talks about stalking etiquette that is further down if you are interested 3y
AllDebooks @LibrarianRyan thank you. I'll have a read. I'm so excited, it's a wonderful thing to be part of. I LOVE picking out gifts for people ☺️ 3y
TheBookHippie I‘m ready for the Christmas card swap 😂😂😂 2y
LibrarianRyan @TheBookHippie I promise it‘s coming. Already have it prepped and on my schedule. 2y
TheBookHippie @LibrarianRyan I saw holiday cards on clearance 😂😂😂😂 so I am all set ! Ha. Also post office has stamps out already! 🤯 2y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Hey All,

#SwapPrimer 2 looks at etiquette and stalking, shipping, etc. Everything you do once you get your match.

Everything here is my opinion and some may disagree which is okay. I and all hosts want everyone to have as much fun as possible.

PS - Updated for shipping and COVID Problems

LibrarianRyan 1. The first thing is the most important thing and you need only remember 3 words, REPLY, POST, TAG.

You have signed up and it's match day and you have your magic match in your hand. REPLY to sender and say, I have it. It does not need to be long, or wordy, or flowery. A simple “got it“ or for me “k“ works well. Address typos happen, and stuff goes to junk mail. Your hosts just like to note that you have your match so Please reply.
LibrarianRyan 2. When it is time to send your package, POST it. Pictures are great but if you forget to take one, that is okay. We all do it. Having pictures of the packages helps build anticipation (think of Dr. Frankenfurter when you read that), but are not a must.

When you post be sure to use the swap hashtag # and TAG the host. This helps us find missing posts we may have missed or need to note. Should you tag your partner? More on that later.
LibrarianRyan 3. When you receive a package once again you need to TAG the host and TAG the person who sent it to you. You can do this as a new post, or even go to the sender's original post and comment on that post. It is whatever works for you. Remember, communication is KEY!

Also, remember, there are no bad pictures. This is not bookstagram, it doesn't need to be art. Once again pictures make your posts more visible, but are not mandatory.
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LibrarianRyan 4. Let's talk shipping. Shipping is CRAZY!. Be sure to allow time. Just because the USPS says flat rate shipping takes 3 days, plan on 10 . Ground shipping, plan on 15. Media mail, plan on 20-25. International plan on 2 weeks minimum.

There are currently shipping problems in the US and everything is taking 2-3X longer because of management. Expect this to happen to your packages!
LibrarianRyan 5. Shipping Cont.
Flat Rate boxes are awesome. Whatever fits it ships. A medium flat rate (US rate) is $18.50 and a large is $22. (maybe??). If like me you are cheap you can send the books Media Mail. This is books only. If the post office thinks there may be more than books they have the right to inspect your package and charge for pickup.

International shipping is NOT cheap. That is probably a duh, but you have been warned. Plan $40+ MIN
LibrarianRyan 6. To help save on shipping, some people ship directly from the supplier like Bookshop.org, Book Depository, BN, etc. This is great. Free shipping!! If you do this, this is one time you want to POST as soon as possible. TAG the host, and TAG your match. Let them know to expect a package from XXX. There are few times Littens have opened boxes early not knowing it was supposed to be for their swap. Depending on location, Amazon delivers the same day 3y
LibrarianRyan 7. When to tag your match? If you are having something sent from a supplier, ALWAYS tag your match. Be on the safe side so the package isn't refused.

If it is a mystery swap, don't tag your match, just the host (unless you foresee problems with delivery (more on that later))

If it is a paired swap tag your match.

Also ALWAYS get a tracking number and keep until you know your match has their package. These come in real handy.
LibrarianRyan 8. Shipping problems? Say it isn't so. but it does happen. We have seen packages come in damaged, water soaked, or not at all. If there is a weather problem like a hurricane, talk with the host about when to ship. Most often the USPS will move packages to safer locations, but it depends on the amount of warning time. (I asked). Most anything going out of USPS has a tracking number, and Priority mail has insurance. Media Mail is not insured. 3y
LibrarianRyan 9. Fun time. You have your match, now what? It's time to start stalking. This is open social media account stalking. Most swaps ask where you can be found online. Goodreads, Story Graph, and Library Thing are the biggest, but there are others. Please only stalk on social platforms the match has listed. For example don't go looking on Facebook, if the match has not said they are on facebook. Some won't care, some will. 3y
LibrarianRyan 10. GR, TSG, and LT are amazing places to stalk if your match has been using them for a while. If you can try to check that your match does not already have the books you want to send. This will be easier with some than with others. Most of the time this type of information is in the registration sheet. But it's always nice to go looking.

But what if you are not friends on that platform, or don't use that platform? Oh NO!
(edited) 3y
LibrarianRyan 11. I'm joking. most platforms will let you see anything not locked down. If you use that same platform, ask to be friends. They may guess that you are their match, but maybe not. To hide my matches, I'll start following a few people or ask for a handful of new friends, and purposely hide my match in a big batch. 3y
LibrarianRyan 12. Get a feel for your match. You can go off “book“. You do not have to completely stick to wishlists and registrations. Those are guides. My favorite thing I have ever received was a Mad Madam Mim notebook. I mentioned in a survey months before that she was my fav villain. I was shocked and amazed when I unwrapped it. That was an amazing job of sleuthing. It had nothing to do with that swap theme, but I still adore it. 3y
LibrarianRyan 13. There are two types of matches - Paired where two people send to each other, and mystery/secret where you send to someone different than sends to you. Paired matches are nice because you can ask questions. I had to ask what type of library someone worked at. Then I had to ask them to choose “make“ or “play“. These type of questions are great and can help you have a successful swap. Plus, it can drive your match nuts with anticipation. 😁 3y
LibrarianRyan 14. Mystery matches can be harder. If you really need help, you can ask the host to ask your match a question. I have done it. Actually I asked my match to fill out a questionnaire. If you are desperate, you can also ask other littens for ideas. I have to do this when I am matched with someone I have little reading in common with. It's okay. Ask away. 3y
LibrarianRyan 15. To wrap or not to wrap...that is the question. That is entirely up to you. Some people really love to wrap things. Others are just happy to get it in the box and out the door. Either is okay. Besides your swap materials there really only needs to be 2 things in the box. A note that says who you are, and a second copy of the address you are sending the package to.

If you want to write longer notes, or put a note on each item, go for it
LibrarianRyan 16. It is all about your comfort. Only do what you are comfortable with. And each swap may be different. You may have a lot to say in a Halloween match, but little to say in non-fiction swap. It is entirely up to you. Do what you are comfortable with. 3y
LibrarianRyan Yeah your package has arrived!!!! whoo hoo. Now comes the wait.......

Please try to stick to the open date. If you open early don't tell anyone, just photo it for later and post it on open date. If you are not going to be home on open day, make a post saying you will open it the minute you can.

Opening is one time when you should really use a picture post. Show off your loot. Do it in a few pictures if you want/need.
LibrarianRyan 18. One of the best parts of swaps is seeing what everyone else gets. See how senders interpreted the swap and the match.

I hope this all helps, and for those first times who have just read all this, have a great swap. I look forward to being matched with a few of you.

Happy Reading.
AllDebooks Very helpful to a newbie, thank you x 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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I'm off swaps for a bit, but I couldn't resist this #ValentineCardSwap #VCS Hosted by @LibrarianRyan

paperwitchs Noob question - what are swaps and swap tags? 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @paperwitchs Ok. So. Littens (users) host various book swaps throughout the year. There's a theme, and a book/gift minimum. The host will post a link, and a hashtag that goes with the swap. You click the link & fill out a questionnaire, then the host matches you. You shop then mail off your gifts so that they arrive by the set opening date. ⬇️ 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @paperwitchs here are a couple of previous swaps you can click the hashtag and see what they're about. #littlechristmasswap #basicwitchswap 3y
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wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 💜 Welcome @paperwitchs! Swaps are super fun. There are 3 open right now. I suggest following @LitsyEvents to get the latest on all the swaps, games, & other happenings 3y
paperwitchs @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego thank you so much for taking the the time to explain, they seem super fun! I have to check them out 3y
paperwitchs @wanderinglynn oh thank you so much, I appreciate it! I‘ll look it up! 3y
DinoMom @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego thanks for the tag! Welcome to the swap world @paperwitchs , they are fun. Lots happening right now. If you are an animal lover then you may want to go check out the am cohosting . Post is up on my feed. 3y
bookish_wookish Thanks for the tag! All signed up! 💖 3y
LibrarianRyan @paperwitchs Hi. Welcome. and thanks for the tag. I also Suggest checking out the #SwapPrimer before you sign up for a swap. It's all the info on the basics of swaping. Yes it was written by me, but it was based on input from all the big hosts, and the rules/guidelines still stand.

Welcome to Litsy and Enjoy!
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Staycation | Dennison Berwick, Simone Pertuiset
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I‘m excited to announce the third #staycationintimeswap
I take participation seriously- when you sign up you agree to commit to the swap, mail packages in a timely manner and communicate as necessary.


Tagging those who expressed interest. International matches based on responses.
Please check out #swapprimer if you are new to swaps.

AmyG Thank you so much! 🎉 4y
Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽♥️ 4y
DebinHawaii Thank you! 🤗 4y
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Deblovestoread Thank you! Love this swap. 💜 4y
sprainedbrain Ok you got me again. 😉 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess Thanks! Signed up!! 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess Thanks! Signed up 4y
KatieDid927 Signed up! You interested @j9brown ? 4y
j9brown @KatieDid927 thanks! Yay! This swap is so fun 😁 Any place that isn't my living room is an appealing destination right now, so I'm gonna have to think about it for a minute, lol 4y
Deifio Cool! Yes I want to participate. I hope there's someone else in Europe, with whom I could partner 4y
Avanders Done and done! ✅ 4y
DebinHawaii I m in but I am having a Libra moment & just can‘t seem to choose a destination. Going to give it one more day of thought... 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4y
Gissy Done ✅ 🤗 4y
sblbooks I just signed up, I'm not sure how I missed your first post. 4y
Gaylagal2 @Chrissyreadit All signed up! Thank you🤙 4y
DebinHawaii Finally picked a destination & signed up. Hopefully it came through! Thank you! 🤗 4y
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Must be sent by Feb 5 due to mail delays.
My response to 2020 is that I really need a Happily Ever After so I am going to host the #happilyeverafterswap to open on Feb 14,2021
This theme is around fairytales, retellings and fantasy. You must agree to follow #swapprimer and #swapguidelines


Blerdgal_Fenix Just filled it out 😍 4y
BookwormAHN I'm so in 😸 4y
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Chrissyreadit @BookwormAHN 😘😘😘also I will be mailing your cbbc package Saturday. 4y
BookwormAHN Okay cool 😺 4y
BookBosomed1 I‘m in! 4y
Deblovestoread I kept looking and telling myself no...but just couldn‘t resist. Thanks for giving me something to look forward to. 😀 4y
Chrissyreadit @Kdgordon88 I‘m so glad!!! 4y
DebinHawaii I am very tempted! 😉 4y
Chrissyreadit @DebinHawaii it would be fun..... 4y
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I Really need a Happily Ever After to 2020. Som I‘m bringing back the Happily Ever After Swap, opening Valentines Day. Important Information: This will be a direct match. You must follow Litsy Swap etiquette that I will link in comments. It is all about fairy tales, fantasy and retellings, any or all of the above. Total escapism!
International only if available - same country matches due to mail struggles.


MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm And just after I swore to the hubby no more swaps until next fall! 😱😭 4y
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Chrissyreadit @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I almost didn‘t do it, but just telling myself “there will be a happily ever after” about something made it worth the effort. 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Chrissyreadit Lol, I‘ve sort of become addicted to the whole swap thing. It‘s a reasonable request that he ask me to take a break. 😅 I‘ll still be stalking your event though and drooling over my coulda-wouldas. 😂🤣 4y
Chrissyreadit @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I totally get that! These swaps are so much fun. Spring is usually minimal so not as hard to resist. 4y
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Other People's Houses | Abbi Waxman
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The author makes the ordinary captivating, and the overall message is an important one about community, balancing the tension between being independent and dependent, and our perceptions of other people.

Chrissyreadit Welcome to Litsy! If you scroll through @LitsyWelcomeWagon you will find resources to help navigate Litsy! This is is an amazing community! I‘m glad you signed up for my swap- I‘ve made great friends through Litsy swaps- check out #swapprimer (scroll down) and posts- Halloween had many swaps to get an idea of participation and fun people to follow #basicwitchswap #hauntedhallowswap #allhallowsreadswap 4y
ElizaMarie Welcome to Litsy! This is such a great community with such amazing people! I have made so many friends on this group. The best thing about this site is you can engage in as little or as much as you want and everyone “understands“ when we are a little less active (In fact you will find that people would reach out to you make sure you are okay) If you need anything let me know :) I am gonna “friend you“ right now 4y
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sprainedbrain Welcome! Hope you love it here. 🥰 4y
MicrobeMom Welcome! Litsy is a great place! Thanks for the tag @Chrissyreadit ♥️♥️ 4y
sblbooks Welcome to Litsy! 4y
Librarybelle Welcome to Litsy, @BookBosomed1 ! And thanks for the tag, @Chrissyreadit ! 4y
penyag Lindsey, you always give great reading selections! 4y
BookBosomed1 @penyag thank you! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown

So I wasn‘t sure on how this all worked or what to do! I‘ve done a couple of swaps and have always received something in return! But I never received my #summerfunswap and was just curious if this happens a lot or not! It‘s not that big of a deal but I don‘t want to do more and have the same thing happen! I emailed the person that sent me my match. So am hoping to hear back!! Thanks for any info!!

Deifio Have you contacted the person who organised it? 5y
wanderinglynn No, that‘s not the norm. It is unusual for the swap host to completely disappear and fail to ensure the swap works. I‘m sorry you had a poor experience with that one. And I hope #HauntedHollowSwap provides you a better experience. 5y
KaylaD @Deifio I didn‘t think about it doing that until earlier today when I was looking through my emails. I emailed her right away wishing I‘d thought about it earlier! 😬 So I‘m just waiting to see if she replies. And when I went back to look at the swap page thing the person doesn‘t have a litsy page anymore! Which I thought was weird! But it is what it‘s is!! 5y
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KaylaD @wanderinglynn this was the first swap that this has happened! Yes I‘m a little disappointed but it won‘t stop me from doing other swaps! I‘m like a little kid with with!! It‘s so exciting and I love doing them! Can‘t let one bad experience ruin the other ones!! I‘m excited for the #hauntedHollowSwap I did one last year!! Super fun!! 5y
Deifio @KaylaD that is really weird! Glad this doesn't turn you off swaps. I love them too, but unfortunately I can't send packages to the US at the moment, covid restrictions. So I'm not doing any this year I guess 5y
KaylaD @Deifio where do you live!? And that sucks sorry to hear that! Hopefully all this craziness calms down here soon then later!!🤞 5y
Twainy You aren‘t alone. 5y
Deifio @KaylaD in Germany, but it's an US restriction. I can send stuff to anywhere but only letters to the US 5y
LibrarianRyan There have been quite a few problems with this swap. The host has ghosted and appeared to have least once changed her screen name. You are not the only person. It wasn‘t me but I was looking into it after comments reached me about the #swapprimer. She allowed so many people on the black list to participate and then ghosted herself. It‘s just a shame. I promise. The swap I know that are currently going on are great and won‘t let that happen. 5y
KaylaD Yeah @LibrarianRyan I thought something was a little fishy when I went to look at what the # was and seen that she had deleted her account!! I‘m not mad just a little bummed! I‘ve done 5 or 6 swaps and this was the fist one that I didn‘t receive one back!! But that‘s ok I‘m already signed up for more!!!! ❤️ 5y
KaylaD @Twainy yeah I had seen that not a lot of people had posted on opening day! 5y
Twainy 😢 5y
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