The hubby and I really enjoyed watching Doris Kearns Goodwin present her new book last night. She's wonderful, I could listen to her for days. #NeverStopLearning #NerdDate #Leadership #booksigning #RainyDayBooks
The hubby and I really enjoyed watching Doris Kearns Goodwin present her new book last night. She's wonderful, I could listen to her for days. #NeverStopLearning #NerdDate #Leadership #booksigning #RainyDayBooks
I received these today; I can't wait to read them!
Bloom is a book of words and stories related to nature elements. The Pulse Between Dimensions is a collection of sci-fi stories
(I love the scorpions and the watercolor streaks on the cover).
3. Memoir, history, good fiction
3. David McCullough, Robert Hicks
3. The Poet of Tolstoy Park, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
2. So many!
2. #RainyDayBooks, Half Price Books
2. Same as above; Amazon & Etsy
1. My #littlefreelibrary
1. My home library
1. All of them!
#NerdDate I'm super excited about this! #RainyDayBooks
My #getindie pic is #Rainydaybooks. They bring so many great authors to the Midwest. Don't know what I'd do without them.