I haven‘t been able to read as much as I sometimes do at the beach, but I really enjoyed both of these. Carrie Fisher‘s memoir is great on audio!
I haven‘t been able to read as much as I sometimes do at the beach, but I really enjoyed both of these. Carrie Fisher‘s memoir is great on audio!
-Potential triggers: Mental health-
I finally went to the Dr today.
I told her that I‘d tried healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms and they weren‘t working. I‘m still very down & anxious & some days it feels like I am drowning.
My Ma always told me I reminded her a little of Carrie: wild, witty, extreme highs and deep lows.
After the Dr, I called Ma & she laughed.
I guess I am more like Carrie than I thought.
I can‘t wait to read this ❤️
I adore Carrie Fisher and I miss her so much. I grew up watching Star Wars countless of times and Princess Leia has been an inspiration. You can be a princess, but you can be a BAMF too. 👑😎❤️
I decided to listen to the audio book as it's narrated by Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd. I only just started and I am full of feelings. #carriefisher #princessdiarist #audiobook #currentlyreading #theprincessdiarist
I'm a bit late posting my December 2016 #bookhaul. The stack on the left consists of used #book finds. The first two standing books came from subscription boxes. The #PrincessDiarist was a treat to myself. The two leaning books were Christmas presents, and the whole thing is topped with $60 in B&N gift cards!!