Look at me/ don‘t look at me/ I‘m a celebrity!
No introspection and lots of excuses.The worst sort of drivel that claims it is not a tale of woe, but also says let me tell you my sad story from the land of milk and honey.
Look at me/ don‘t look at me/ I‘m a celebrity!
No introspection and lots of excuses.The worst sort of drivel that claims it is not a tale of woe, but also says let me tell you my sad story from the land of milk and honey.
Tried reading this after my last book and gave up half way. It‘s a stream of consciousness grasp at remembering the past after an unfortunate round of electric convulsion therapy for Carrie Fisher. I do believe she is a witty and talented woman but this read doesn‘t really offer her best work. A bit of a cheek that it even got published.
#titlesandtunes #sexdrugsandrocknroll
This was my selection for July‘s Titles and Tunes. A quick and humorous read - bittersweet knowing Carrie isnt with us anymore. Her personality shines here - what a vibrant, sharp and funny woman - and wow, her incarnation as Leia really did follow her for every day of her life. Loved the shade she threw about that!
So here is my choice for #TitlesandTunes ive been meaning to read this for ages! While Carrie wasnt a rock star herself she was married to Paul Simon so i think there‘ll be enough #sexdrugsandrockandroll. Also she was fascinating and smart and outrageous enough on her own account!
The song to go with is “Cheers (Drink to That)” by Rihanna. I think Carrie would approve 💕
Honestly this was kind of painful to listen to. Fisher rambles at points so it‘s hard to follow what she‘s talking about. She also yells quite a bit and seems awkward in her cadence almost as if she‘s waiting for the audience to laugh. Since the book is a transcript of her stage show that makes sense but it‘s weird to listen to. I do applaud her for her openness regarding her struggles with addiction and mental health.
Carrie Fisher was a blessing and I will hear nothing different
I hear a lot about how great Carrie's shows and writing are, but I was a little underwhelmed with this audio. I think I would have liked more of a memoir, but this was an adaptation of a stage show. I mean, she opens saying that she had electroshock therapy and that it affected her memory, but that's it, and I'd be interested in learning more. Some amusing anecdotes, but overall a bit scattered.
Quick, fun (you know, for having addiction threads). Carrie Fisher is a great storyteller.