Ch 1: well, this started off with a bang! #harkerisofftodraculashouse #thelocalsareallfreakedout #givinghimalllllthecrosses #switchingtothatcreepycarriage #whatcouldgowrong #wolves #wolvescangowrong #plusthatcreepyseethroughdriver #amostexcellentadventure #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
BarkingMadRead @indoordame @ruthiella @thebookhippie @seabreeze_reader @larkken @bookwormjillk @dabbe @deblovestoread @catlass007 @currentlyreadinginco @rubyslippersreads @librarybelle @mcctrish @clare-dragonfly @julieclair @thearomaofbooks @peanutnine @bklover @bookwormahn @graciouswarriorprincess @cuilin 2mo
BookwormAHN Does anyone know what the weird blue fire was? 2mo
BarkingMadRead @BookwormAHN hmmmm I‘m not sure! 2mo
See All 17 Comments
Cuilin There‘s no building tension here, it starts full on. It‘s gonna get worse, isn‘t it? 😬 2mo
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin yeahhhhh I‘m pretty sure it will 🤣☠️ 2mo
mcctrish @BookwormAHN I was wondering that too 2mo
mcctrish When the innkeeper said wait a day or too because all hell could break loose Keanu should have listened 2mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish 💯 2mo
Bookwormjillk First time read for me- liking it so far. He did seem a little more concerned about the paprika than the wolves though. But also the mail came at the same time as I read about the wolves and I jumped about a mile. Good sign. 2mo
dabbe Total random question, but are we sharing our book covers? And look at how young Keanu is! 🤩 2mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe we must always share our book covers #itsrequired 2mo
dabbe @BarkingMadRead I thought so! I haven\'t seen many, so I was wondering. I\'ll be sharing mine soon. 🖤🦇🖤 2mo
currentlyreadinginCO Also a first time reader and it seems off to a creepy start! I'm intrigued and kinda scared. 2mo
Liz_M @LitsyEvents 2mo
julieclair Maybe he should have listened to the locals… 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly I love how often he thinks of Mina 🥰 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Jonathan needs a recipe box apparently 😂 I read this two years ago with Dracula Daily and really enjoyed it. However, I didn\'t realize until after I was already in the midst of it that that meant I was reading the story in chronological order, not necessarily the order in which it is actually written. Plus, it\'s spread out over several months. All that to say I\'m intrigued to read it \“for real\“ this time!! 2mo