… and a skull in the corner, like on the other memorials: a reminder that death comes to us all.
… and a skull in the corner, like on the other memorials: a reminder that death comes to us all.
Almost the entire Irish village of Baltimore was taken captive by pirates in the early 1600s and sold as slaves in #Algeria. With little records about their lives as slaves, the author relies on a number of accounts by other slaves to try to describe what their lives could have been like. The author also posits a hypothesis that the taking was an elaborate plan of an evil mastermind who wanted to rid the coastal town of its inhabitants for his ⬇️
This book is definitely a pick! A strong historical fiction book set in 1667 that follows a kidnapped Hector Lynch as he is sold into slavery. It is written well and about such an interesting time period. I learned a lot about this time from reading this book. Slaves seemed to be sold and captured everywhere and by everyone. Felt like Hector was a little too lucky at times but a great book. I'll definitely be continuing this series!
I am really enjoying this book. I wasn't sure I would as I had it in my brain that it would be filled with too much gore (no reason why I had this in my head). But this book is just like many other historical fictions books I read with many accurate description and scenes of the time. 1600s are such an interesting part of history! It is well written and makes you want to keep reading. I'm hope to finish this weekend and really enjoying the author.
A book, a blanket and a grilled cheese is how I'm going to spend a #hyggehour tonight. Need to escape to another time before the chaos of the week takes over. Not sure how many pages I'll read because I could fall asleep at any minute but I'm going to try amd get through the entire hour.
#HyggeHourReadathon @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @AllDebooks
I‘ve long wanted to read about the Irish taken into slavery in the Islamic world. So this book is perfect for #Ireland #foodandlit @Catsandbooks
I was excited to see Michael Crichton had a pirate book because I love listening to his audiobooks when I walk. Unfortunately this one didn‘t gel with me. Oh well. #BookedInTime @Cuilin
Continuing this read while the car is in for an oil change. Nice little morning break from work! I'm enjoying it so far but I'm not that far in yet. Won't get it finished today for #bookedintime but I'm glad I was led to this book by the prompt!
A quick easy YA read for #bookedintime. Pirates follows the daughter of a Bristol merchant as she learns the reality of where her wealth is come from & how tenuous her circumstances as a young woman are. enjoyed learning about something new.Pirates! Pirate honour! Whilst well researched it has a simplistic tone to it The love story seemed insta & there was a sense that Nancy was telling minerva‘s story as much as her own. @Cuilin