I‘m at that point in the year when I just need to FINISH one of my challenges already … just one …TYVM. Making good progress on the #nonfictionchallenge2021 so there‘s that. But only two Bingos … whaaaaaat? 🤪
I‘m at that point in the year when I just need to FINISH one of my challenges already … just one …TYVM. Making good progress on the #nonfictionchallenge2021 so there‘s that. But only two Bingos … whaaaaaat? 🤪
I grew up watching Goodall on NatGeo specials, so this brought back memories. I loved her stories about the chimps of Gombe forest. But this is more than that. She connects nature, spirituality, man‘s humanity ... and our inhumanity ... as well. Written in the late 90s, it‘s a bit dated though.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2021 #booked2021 #containsphotos #nonfictionchallenge2021 #aboutanimals #nfornonfiction
This broke my heart for each of the seven and their families. If you‘re a social justice reader, curious about how caste systems work in action, this is a must read. Talaga suffuses every page with details of life for people of the First Nations. I‘m so mad at Canada‘s government and police for mistreating these cases.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2021 #nonfictionnerds #nonfictionchallenge2021 #byanativeauthor
This is a harrowing debut memoir. The author was essentially deserted by her mother at age ten. Then various family members cared for her but also took advantage and beat the daylights out of her. Still, she competed in pageants and kept going to school. Inspiring despite everything.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2021 #nonfictionchallenge2021 #aboutovercoming
TW: abuse, abandonment, drug use, PTSD, suicidal ideation
This is part feminist exposé, part social history, and part science journalism. If you believe the patriarchy is systemic, here‘s all the ammunition you need to prove it. There‘s just one fundamental principle. Anywhere there was or is inquiry or the gathering of knowledge, women are excluded or diminished. Maddening!
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2021 #booked2021 #latinxauthor #nonfictionchallenge2021 #byalatinxauthor
Wilkerson makes the devastating history of caste utterly clear. Combining the U.S. system with India and Nazi Germany history is brilliant. I was especially gobsmacked by some of her real-life examples, from the historical to the personal.
Just go get this and read it!
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #shesaid #booked2021 #antiracistbook #nonfictionchallenge2021 #POCauthor #thebibliophage2021
Family. History. Place. Siblings. Parents. Race. Katrina. New Orleans. What brings us together and pulls us apart, all teased from one person‘s life. This memoir is worth all the praise. It‘s elegiac and lyrical. The author is frustrated and rewarded. So many diverse topics, all wrapped in one package. Loved it!
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2021 #booked2021 #colorintitle #nonfictionchallenge2021 #sunshineyoryellow
Tsuneno was the daughter of a rural Buddhist priest, born in 19th century Japan. She aspires to leave the country (and ultimately 3 marriages) and move to Edo (the eponymous city, now Tokyo). Stubborn and adventurous, she irritates her family to no end. And it‘s all a true story ferreted out by social historian Amy Stanley.
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2021 #readingasia2021 #japan #nonfictionchallenge2021 #aboutfamily
When it comes to poetry, I tend to pick up Mary Oliver, whose work is very nature-oriented. Giovanni is more about history, politics, social commentary, and her own experiences as a gay WOC. I listened to this one, and it‘s read by the author. Now I want to buy it. Because their are many thought-provoking moments I‘d like to revisit. Her style just moves me.
#booked2021 #writteninverseorpoetry #nonfictionchallenge2021 #bylgbtqauthor
This book is everything I want in narrative nonfiction. The author tells it straight, goes deep into individual women‘s stories, and writes like a dream. Imagine singing up for a cushy post in the military—palm trees, golf courses, etc. Then you get bombed by the Japanese, live and work in the jungle, and... ⬇️
Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2022 #readingasia2021 #philippines #nonfictionchallenge2021 #aboutcommunity