I love the drops of philosophy in this. The fact the MC was a philosophy major certainly sets the tone.
#MattHaig #TheMidnightLibrary #audiobook #philosophy #ArthurSchopenhauer #compassion #morality
I love the drops of philosophy in this. The fact the MC was a philosophy major certainly sets the tone.
#MattHaig #TheMidnightLibrary #audiobook #philosophy #ArthurSchopenhauer #compassion #morality
On this National Day of Mourning, I want to dedicate my post to my hero, Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was someone that lived his life serving the world, knowing he didn‘t need a title to do good. His faith and works speaks volumes about the man he was, and his marriage to Rosalyn was one for the ages.
I‘ve been collecting his books, all signed, for years now, and they mean so much to me. Thank you President Carter for your service.
This was a bit repetitive and could be a bit slow in places, but it was really interesting and I learned a lot. I think it‘s a great introduction the intersection of psychology and anthropology.
Main take away: People are emotional creatures who are group focused and republicans are way better at appealing to that than democrats.
3/5 read for a dense psychological look at human behavior and American political habits
This was my November #Doublespin (very fitting for non-fiction November!) and boy did I have to work to get it done! This is not light reading! The set up is long and slow. The payoff finally comes in the last chapter. Generally, I think he has some good points and it did help my understanding of differences in liberal vs conservative thinking.
This book starts with our narrator having kidnapped an astronaut he once “knew” and becomes part character study and part commentary on our current world. It‘s entirely told in dialogue, which I found to be an interesting structure. I read this in one sitting and found it intriguing. I think it‘ll sit with me for a while.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I enjoyed the beginning of this book - it‘s been a long time since I‘ve used my brain this way, taking in such cerebral info outside the Literature realm. Near the end it started to run long & I disengaged - either due to less interest or burnout with the subject matter. Either way, it was interesting &something I never would have picked up without Sharon McMahon‘s book club. Definitely looking forward to the discussions later this month!
This book addresses our divisions in a very calm and calculated manner.
Anyone who's willing to consider the opinions and beliefs of others will benefit from this book. If you're not willing then it's not for you.
I did find the amount of time spent on Evolution a bit excessive and unnecessary.
I did find the explanation of how we can better understand each other refreshing.
#nonfiction #religion #politics
"We circle around sacred values and then share post hoc arguments about why we are so right and they are so wrong. We think the other side is blind to truth, reason, science, and common sense, but in fact everyone goes blind when talking about their sacred objects."
#nonfiction #religion #politics