My #LastBook of 2021 was Holly and Ivy by Fern Michaels and my #FirstBook will be The Land by Mildred D. Taylor. Happy New Year Reading! #LastFirst
My #LastBook of 2021 was Holly and Ivy by Fern Michaels and my #FirstBook will be The Land by Mildred D. Taylor. Happy New Year Reading! #LastFirst
My #LastBook is going to be My Life In France about Julia Child. I‘m reading this because I learned from a post of @EvieBee there‘s a new movie coming out about Julia Child.
My #FirstBook will be Monsieur Mediocre by John Von Sothen on my Kindle & The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict on audio for my IRL bookclub
I cut it close this year, but I managed to end this year with Crazy Rich Asians. I loved the writing style of this one and the world building was some of the best I‘ve ever read. The only thing keeping this from being five stars is the fact that the pacing lagged a little bit. I can‘t wait to see the movie as well! Happy new year everyone!
#newyear #lastbook #crazyrichasians #2020
This book is a great little book I listened to it on audio.
There are some ladies in this book I don't agree with but the others it was nice to learn a bit more about them.
Last book of the readathon. @Andrew65
#superseptember #lastbook #readingthelibrary #librarybook #audiobook #readathon
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Imagine Me takes place two days after the last book. This was good, however the ending felt rushed and I wanted more of a few characters to tie their arcs up. The ending was a happy one, which was great.
#shatterme #shattermeseries #libby #audiobook #litsy #littens #imagineme #lastbook #bibliophile #bookstagram
“ Happiness, dear Rebecca, means first and foremost the calm joyous sense of innocence. “ - Henrik Ibsen, Rosmersholm
#strike #quotes #lethalwhite #cormoranstrike #robinellacott #4thbook #lastbook
First book in my library is S. By J.J. Abrams (I loved this book!!!!!)
Last book is my 8th grade yearbook (the year I met my husband 😉😍😘)
#24in48 #mylibrary #firstbook #lastbook