New furnace/air conditioner installation so stuck at the house.#NoGuiltReading#PorchReading#KateMorton#Homecoming
New furnace/air conditioner installation so stuck at the house.#NoGuiltReading#PorchReading#KateMorton#Homecoming
Which Kate Morton book is your favorite? I‘ve only read The Lake House, but I‘m determined to read at least one more of them this year!
#katemorton #bookstack #thegreeneyedreader
Spending the evening reading The Clockmaker's Daughter.
#CurrentlyReading #HistoricalFiction #CoverCrush #TBR #KateMorton
The last day of the month and I‘m wrapping up my last read for July. I woke up early to make a dent in the to do list, so now I can take a slightly longer lunch this afternoon. I‘m indulging in one of my all time favourite summer dishes— a caprese pasta salad with arugula and balsamic vinaigrette, it‘s perfect for a hot day and everything I love about a summer salad.
#katemorton #summerreading #julytbr #julywrapup
Just finished reading this book and it was absolutely memorizing. Kate Morton does a brilliant job weaving in and out of a story to find ones true past and discover family mysteries over three generations. It read like a real life, olden fairy tale.
#HistoricalFiction #Mystery #KateMorton #WeekendReads #JustFinished
Time for the bookish discussion question of the day 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻! Here it is: Which is your favorite historical fiction novelist? #BookTalk
Happy Friday to you all🙌💖
It's Week 2 of #MayMadness my #TBR this week with books that's #NewToMe
I've always seen books by #KateMorton but this will be my first book by her. I'm still at the beginning but the story is quite interesting despite the constant switch of POV ☺️
I also picked up a new book by my favorite writer #JayKristoff and can't wait to dive into it.
#booknerd #newbook #bibliophile #funko #librarybooks
#partner #berkleypub — I am currently reading #TheAuPair and loving it. 😍 This debut is a must read for those of you that love #KateMorton ‘s book settings.
It‘s been a busy week with work and today is my husband‘s birthday so I‘m not sure how much reading I‘ll get in this weekend, but hopefully I‘ll finish soon!
See my previous post for my #review of #TheAnonymousGirl. I am really excited to start #freefall by debut author #jessicabarry!