Any YOU have read?
I read, reviewed, and enjoyed all of them.
Any YOU have read?
I read, reviewed, and enjoyed all of them.
I enjoyed all of these books.
Which have YOU read?
Had some yummy food at a place called Mighty Quinn. I‘m still reading Free Fall and it is so good! #freefall #jessicabarry #foodoflitsy
What was Allison involved in? Who wants her dead? #freefall #jessicabarry
I can imagine her pain. Yeah, this story is intense already. I like it. #freefall #jessicabarry
Currently listening/reading Freefall.
Do any of you switch back and forth between listening and reading the same book? I do this pretty regularly. I‘m loving this book!
Thanks to Harper Books #partner for sending me a free review copy. #freefall #freefallbook #harperbooks #jessicabarry
#partner #berkleypub — I am currently reading #TheAuPair and loving it. 😍 This debut is a must read for those of you that love #KateMorton ‘s book settings.
It‘s been a busy week with work and today is my husband‘s birthday so I‘m not sure how much reading I‘ll get in this weekend, but hopefully I‘ll finish soon!
See my previous post for my #review of #TheAnonymousGirl. I am really excited to start #freefall by debut author #jessicabarry!