I should be at the library but the errands never end, at least I have James Higgins to keep me company #ChildrensLit #JustLetMeRead
I should be at the library but the errands never end, at least I have James Higgins to keep me company #ChildrensLit #JustLetMeRead
My face when the teacher sitting next to me interrupted my reading to 1. Ask what I was reading and 2. To then explain why she doesn't read smut like that... First of all lady, if you really are a reader like you claim to be, then you would know not to interrupt a fellow reader, and, unless I asked for your opinion, I do not appreciate the bashing of an author/book that I happen to be enjoying thankyouverymuch. #JustLetMeRead
At playgroup with my son, and need to take this out and retreat a bit. This is usually a great, supportive place to be where I can feel mildly social and Little Man can do his thing. Unfortunately, being the middle of winter, its packed and there are a few kids who are beyond rambunctious and not listening to anyone. #introvertproblems #cabinfever #justletmeread