You know how I was obsessed with Diana Wynne Jones and determined to read everything she‘d ever written?
Yeah that‘s still a thing lol
I LOVED THIS, it really makes me want to start writing again!!
The Central Library in LA is beautiful! Gonna try and get a card here if I can 😍✨
I took out over 15 graphic novels from the library a few weeks ago, but with CHLA I got a little behind and now I‘m trying to finish reading them on the car ride back to the library 😂 (Loved this one by the way, the best art of the bunch!! So beautiful!!)
The trailer had caught me in an itchy curiosity, n then i‘d ended up @ the library grabbing a haul of GN for GNAB prep, and I thought, why not? If it‘s being added to this many book clubs, there‘s gotta be a reason!
Oh boy, was there! I am swelling with awe at how fun, well written and captivating this was! Books written in correspondence are hard! Keeping this many characters stay in line?? I mean shit as a reader and a writer i am in love!
I was expecting racing, lesbians and great art. And I definitely got all of that haha! But what I didn‘t expect was this crazy amazing plot!!
Lightning McQueen aint got nothing on Domino 😂✨✨
It started a little bit rushed and cheesy, but I think that might have been because there aren‘t very many chances for a Queer Hispanic Hero to not only be the lead but to be supported by so many strong women of color like her.
I‘m really enjoying this series as it slows and lets itself play out. will be putting this in as many libraries as I can haha!
Fast paced and beautifully illustrated!
Space Boy really throws you in to the plot, and I‘m not mad about it! While I would have loved to see more of Amy‘s life in space it was really great watching her in the whirlwind of adjustment.
Pumped for #2 !
I have been trying to find a copy of this for months !!! No one had it anywhere in California but luckily out here in NY the libraries are a bit more DWJones friendly!!!
I read it all within the last 6 hours and i loved it! I think I still favor the first book, but i‘m rearing to go on #3!!
I can‘t wait to see these characters grow and looking forward to the ways DWJones folds magic into Dalemark like Libby Beer herself
I‘m caught up to the latest! I 💕 Shuri, and I really liked that she wasnt pressured, she was convinced.
1 thing that did bother me was some neg comments about Stark “saving the day” instead of an African character. I can see why that would feel like white saviorship but it drives me a little crazy that they almost didnt notice the teamups with Storm and Mansa and Ikoko? There was more than one person helping, stark was just one of the squad
When there‘s too much happening, its always a good idea to make a list. It‘s what keeps me in one piece!
How bout yall? Any organization tips? Lord knows I could use them 😂
“Kazuls not my dragon” Cimorene said sharply. “I‘m her princess. You‘ll never have any luck dealing with dragons if you don‘t get these things straight.”
I choose Cimorene from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia Wrede!
I adore Cinorene for the following reasons
1) she is a no nonsense type of gal
2) she is always prepared to melt, fight, or diplomatically resolve any issue
3) The power of her manners could kill a man
“But when he has done this, let him not say that he knows better than his master, for he only holds a candle in sunshine”
Is there anything quite as amazing as Blake making this call out plate? 🕯 🕯 ✨
Two things i love! Collecting artist cards and sunlight ☀️
Ive been trying to catch up on Nnedi Okorafors work aince she‘ll be in Ithaca NY in a few months 😳 im so excited im nervous!
Sometimes I wonder if I should have applied to Cornell but then I‘m in rooms like this, haunted with someone playing the organ where I can‘t see. Creaking floors and intricate rugs and I think maybe not. I like the messy warmth of Ithaca
On my way to the library for text books and I have to resist the urge to reread this series, so hard to resist! 🦊
The weather has finally agreed to play nice and we‘re back above freezing, which is nice as I‘m really not much of a thick coat and wool socks type of person!
Gloves are too difficult to turn pages in 📄
I will admit i wasn‘t sure at first. I spent a good chunk of the beginning trying to feel out the protagonist but as things progressed I realized I was seeing a dynamic main character making her way through the story and I‘m glad that she wasn‘t perfectly capable from the get go. I mean sure the karate bit was strong to start with, but who cares? She was badass and and I enjoyed every moment that she kicked ass. Also it was real frickin cute.
Sometimes your cat is asleep on your bed and you just cant bring yourself to disturb the smelly little thing so you sit on the guest bed instead.
I'll be posting my review of Plaid and Plagiarism soon, but right now I want to test the waters with this strange find. I'll be honest, it was the evil duck that sold me
Hilda has my absolute favorite art, it's just so fun and strange and makes me want to write some of my own adventures!! I adore it!!
Had to put down Avalon High, I just can't handle those 2000's protags anymore. But i'm pumped for my next one! Let's cross our fingers!
Have we done reading on the train? I don't think so. Well, its been months since I picked up a new Diana Wynne Jones book so here's my newest catch!
I'll share the cover work later, it's beautiful!
Just got my copy a few hours ago! I'm really excited to read this, and have told myself not to read the back so I can go in knowing nothing apart from the genre! (My favorite way to read new stuff actually)
And if nothing else I adore the cover 📖
If you ever want the satisfying adventure of running away to be a most fearsome and respected pirate, then this is your tale! I loved the world that was built, I adored the use of letters and gossip columns and what have I ever done without a good gargoyle? Truly a fun read! ✨🗡
Just finished rereading Carry On and I thought I might as well make a library run while I'm out! Absolutely adore the cover for Wild Robot, so I went with the theme! 🤖
Alright I accidentally fell into rereading the whole series instead of just one. But how could one resist a book about being a dragons princess, discovering and unraveling wizards plots, and using dumb men's assumptions about women against them?
Not to mention Kazul's library! Talk about dream collections!
"Mother taught me to be polite to dragons"
Still one of my favorite books, absolutely unbelievable and pure joy to read!
Ever find such an old reread that your child-self left some notes for you? Can't quite be angry about the writing in a book when it was done so sincerely. I've always loved this book! (Not to mention this seems to be a stolen copy)
Slowly gathering up my scattered books. This cover is one of my favorites in my King Arthur collection.
Back in school and slowly reassembling my book shelves ✨#shelfie
It's taking me a while to get through this one, though not from lack of interest.
I enjoy the characters and writing style, but one of my least favorite tropes are wrapped tightly around the plot so... it might be a while. 📚 🕰
I honestly don't know if I should have bought this since I have owned the 1st one for about a year and have yet to touch it, BUT I really wanted it, so....
Maybe after The Mysterious Benedict society I will pick it up? :D
"I find that most amusing, don't you?"
"Not really," I said, and spilt my chocolate on her.
I adored it! I promised to a lovely crush that I would read if they read my book of choice and it turned out great
It was sweet and funny and honestly Olive made me laugh as much as she made me want to punch her hahaha
Ella is smart, resourceful and makes me want to learn every language on the off chance it means i can escape and trick ogres!
I will be picking up the next one soon and I'll be excited to see the expanse of this universe!
Trying to find more information about the beasties in Sinbad !
T.H.White don't let me down.
Patricia Wrede has created and mastered one of my new favorite tropes; collecting every character for the finale to create utter chaos that out protagonists have to sort through and resolve. I love it, it's ridiculous and hilarious
I had to return my library books in preparation for heading back to Cali, so I picked this off the shelf from my To Read pile. I'm a sucker for casual magic and adventures, and i'm diggin it so far.
So, I know I'm supposed to be reading Gentleman's Guide, but I was at the library with a cute girl and she was so excited! How could I say no?
Regardless of how I found it, I really liked this book! It had everything I love: magic, cool girls, and an unapologetic genius! If I had found it in middle school, I would have been obsessed. Hale has a way with description I can't explain. Mystical, beautiful, fullfilling. Will be reading Goose Girl!
I was absolutely struck by this book! Just like all of pullman's other stories I was pulled through into another world and i still can't let go after having finished. I knew I loved lyra, I didn't know just how much until I read through and felt as strongly as our protag did. I would still love to see Alice bring in a bigger roll than nurse n i desperately want to know how they will connect with The Golden Compass, but I'll just have to be patient
Library haul!! I hope I actually get to read these before I take off to the conference this weekend!