Not gonna lie. I‘m a little nervous by all the DNFs I saw scrolling through the history of this book, but I do love a good B A Paris mystery, so I‘m jumping in anyway.
#BAParis #TheTherapist #busbook #audiobook #heregoesnothing
Not gonna lie. I‘m a little nervous by all the DNFs I saw scrolling through the history of this book, but I do love a good B A Paris mystery, so I‘m jumping in anyway.
#BAParis #TheTherapist #busbook #audiobook #heregoesnothing
Another unpopular opinion tonight.
The information about periods and how they‘re not at all what we‘ve all been lead to believe is great. I wish someone like this were in charge of teaching girls about their bodies instead of religious nuts.
Equally unrelenting and suspenseful
I have a bit of a task ahead of me, in order to finish all the listed movies before the 31st but #heregoesnothing
I knew this about being born with all the eggs you‘ll ever have, but I never thought of it this way. Mind blown. 🤯
#ToniWeschler #TakingChargeOfYourFertility #heregoesnothing
Who learned this in school?! I sure didn‘t. I was literally told to ask my mother about pads and tampons (thus the only mention of anything to deal with periods). I literally still don‘t know the vast majority of what is mentioned here. Tampons I learned by using them.
#ToniWeschler #TakingChargeOfYourFertility #heregoesnothing
Finally reading this after @RvnclawWhovian suggested it ages ago, after talking to @TheBookHippie yesterday. I totally forgot I had this on my iPad. I guess it‘s time to suck it up and read this thing. Here goes nothing.
#ToniWeschler #TakingChargeOfYourFertility #heregoesnothing
Okay, starting this one because if I don‘t, the friend who recommended it is going to come through my phone and murder me...and that‘s not staying within social distancing guidelines, so it‘s in everyone‘s best interest that I just start this already. (Run on sentences be damned!)
#RJBlain #PlayingWithFire #NotMyUsualGenre #heregoesnothing
Thank you to NetGalley! #currentlyreading #netgalley #heregoesnothing
🤣😂🤣 This review amuses me greatly. 🤣😂🤣
#ThePurityMyth #JessicaValenti #heregoesnothing
I‘ve had this on my shelf for a few years now (a friend in grad school used it to teach under grads creative writing and encouraged me to read it). I figure if I‘m going to do this national novel writing month thing, I should probably try to prepare myself. lol So, here goes nothing.
#wonderbook #jeffvandermeer #creativewriting #nationalnovelwtitingmonth #heregoesnothing