Another unpopular opinion tonight.
The information about periods and how they‘re not at all what we‘ve all been lead to believe is great. I wish someone like this were in charge of teaching girls about their bodies instead of religious nuts.
Another unpopular opinion tonight.
The information about periods and how they‘re not at all what we‘ve all been lead to believe is great. I wish someone like this were in charge of teaching girls about their bodies instead of religious nuts.
I knew this about being born with all the eggs you‘ll ever have, but I never thought of it this way. Mind blown. 🤯
#ToniWeschler #TakingChargeOfYourFertility #heregoesnothing
Who learned this in school?! I sure didn‘t. I was literally told to ask my mother about pads and tampons (thus the only mention of anything to deal with periods). I literally still don‘t know the vast majority of what is mentioned here. Tampons I learned by using them.
#ToniWeschler #TakingChargeOfYourFertility #heregoesnothing
Finally reading this after @RvnclawWhovian suggested it ages ago, after talking to @TheBookHippie yesterday. I totally forgot I had this on my iPad. I guess it‘s time to suck it up and read this thing. Here goes nothing.
#ToniWeschler #TakingChargeOfYourFertility #heregoesnothing