I have some more reading to do. Then, some writing...
#writersofinstagram #writer #amwriting #writerslife #peptalks #writerstoolbox #wonderbook
I have some more reading to do. Then, some writing...
#writersofinstagram #writer #amwriting #writerslife #peptalks #writerstoolbox #wonderbook
2.5⭐️ I‘ve read just about everything in here I need to read right now. I‘ll reserve the revision chapter for after NaNo. Some of this is very specific to writing fantasy works, which I do not, so I had to take those things with a grain of salt. He likes Campbell‘s whole “Hero‘s Journey” thing, which I do not. I disagree with parts of this and felt disheartened by others. The writing challenges are very specific to each chapter (cont‘d below)
Total fan of some parts of this book, not a fan at all of others, but I am enjoying discovering new authors to check out. My TBR is growing from various parts of this book (the ones I like obviously).
#wonderbook #jeffvandermeer #authordiscovery #growingTBR
Now this was useful - is this too much highlighting? lol
#neilgaiman #americangods #jeffvandermeer #wonderbook
People never understand why I obsess over characters names so much, or why some names keep changing even several drafts in. They don‘t get why I look up name meanings and take such pains to get just the right name for each character. They also don‘t get why I can‘t even start writing unless my main characters are properly named. Neil Gaiman is most definitely my spirit animal. #neilgaiman #americangods #jeffvandermeer #wonderbook #nanowrimo
Neil Gaiman is officially my spirit animal.
Oh my god, I thought I was the only one this happens to.
#neilgaiman #americangods #wonderbook #jeffvandermeer #nanowrimo
Okay, officially I need to just stick to the author essays in this book.
Am I supposed to feel more self conscious of my writing after reading this? I‘m beginning to think my writing sucks and I should just pack it in now before we even get to November.
#nanowrimo #wonderbook #jeffvandermeer #mayday #houstonwehaveaproblem
This is an interesting thought I have never considered in the 25 years I‘ve been writing original fiction.
#wonderbook #jeffvandermeer #creativewriting
Where creative writing meets history...my world is now complete. Thanks Jeff Vandermeer.
#wonderbook #jeffvandermeer #creativewriting #historyis #whyhistorymatters