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I thoroughly enjoyed Benedict and felt sorry for him as he worked through living without his wife. His JEWELRY shop and their love just hadn't been enough for them after they were unable to have children after eight years.

A heartwarming read about family and about trying new things.

An uplifting read.


Eggs 💗Phaedra Patrick💗 (edited) 4mo
SilversReviews @Eggs Yes. Love her!! 4mo
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Jewels: A Secret History | Victoria Finlay
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The author travels all over the world, chasing the (hi)stories of various jewels.

A very well structured book. Each jewel gets its own section, and we pursue it from the ancient times to the modern, and from the jeweler to the mines it was dug up in (the author visits those mines, and often tries mining herself). It‘s fascinating, coherent, and flows really well.


eol Also, after reading this book, I‘m even more in favor of buying artificial, lab-produced gems—at least no one got hurt, died, or got cheated while digging them up... (edited) 1y
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As I‘ve now got arthritis in my hands I had to get my son to finish my puzzle which I had started last year. There‘s a piece missing which is very annoying! Not sure if we lost it or if it was missing on arrival. I do love the finished puzzle but usually hand them to charity shops when finished which I can‘t do with a missing piece 🙄

hannah-leeloo I love this! 1y
julieclair What a pretty puzzle! Sorry about the arthritis… that is no fun. 1y
Cazxxx @hannah-leeloo It‘s lovely isn‘t it? Such a shame there‘s a piece missing! 1y
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Cazxxx @julieclair It‘s lovely other than the missing piece! No it‘s not fun when you need your hands for everything 😤 1y
tpixie It‘s so gorgeous!! Arthritis sucks 💛 1y
Cazxxx @tpixie 💖 1y
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A Rumor of Gems | Ellen Steiber
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Todays shelf reading temptation comes with a cover quote from R. L. Stine…

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Kurin has two objectives: One is to trace the history of the gem, from its acquisition by Tavernier (I‘m related to him which is partly why I read the book) through its time in royal French and British circles to its transfer to the United States and its gifting to the Smithsonian. The second objective is to dispel the claims of a curse affecting the Hope‘s owners and explore the story of how the the curse claim evolved over the 20th century.

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Thank you @ChrissyReadIt for the lovely gift! I am so excited to try these out! As always you are so so very kind!

Crazeedi @Chrissyreadit is so thoughtful!! 3y
ElizaMarie @Crazeedi yes yes she is! She always always is! I just love her! 3y
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A stack of books from #hiselderliness and a friendly whale (that‘s a mural alongside the America‘s Cup village currently in our harbour)

He‘s got two Picks and two Bails in his #bookreport

On my own two feet - I gave up on it. That guy just wanted to talk about himself and how important he was. He said Edmund Hillary rang him for advice on how to climb a mountain. (That is sacrilege it seems!)⬇️

Centique A Furious Sky - that was interesting. There‘s this place in America where it‘s below sea level and they have all these hurricanes. It‘s called something-sana? (Louisiana I think he means?)
Say Nothing - So the Irish wanted to get rid of the English. But there were like four different groups of Irish and they all wanted to do it differently. They ended up mostly shooting each other. I stopped reading after that. ⬇️
Centique Koh-I-nor - I thought that would be a boring book but it was good. This diamond was so huge that they couldn‘t trust the jeweller to cut it cos he might steal some - so they encased most of it in lead and just left him a little corner to work on. That was clever. 3y
TrishB Great stuff 👏🏻 to the point as always ♥️ 3y
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julesG If he liked the Koh-I-Nor book and would like to read a different account about it, I recommend 3y
rockpools I do love your dad‘s recommendations 📚📚📚 3y
Centique @TrishB thank you! He always has some little anecdote from each one that stays with him. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
Centique @julesG thanks! I‘m sure he‘d be keen to read more about it. 3y
Centique @rockpools thanks Rachel you‘re so kind! 3y
Cinfhen I literally stacked the tagged book yesterday!! Now I‘m even more excited to read it!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks I may have already recommended this one, but my dad, husband, & brother all read it recently & really loved it 😂 There is an edition that has a LOT more photographs, all taken on the actual journey & they are pretty amazing. 3y
MicheleinPhilly I ❤️ his elderliness. I can always count on him for a big belly laugh. 3y
Reggie I respect the stepping away from Say Nothing. Like he has certain standards and once they dip below it, it‘s a wrap. Good for him. 3y
LeahBergen No slagging on Edmund Hillary for His Elderliness! 👏🏻👏🏻😆😆 3y
Bookzombie I really love his elderliness‘ reviews! 🙂 3y
Centique @Cinfhen that would be so cool if you both liked it 😍 3y
Centique @TheAromaofBooks this is the book that @Cinfhen sent my dad and he‘s been rereading it - great minds think alike! 3y
Centique @MicheleinPhilly I‘m so glad! 😂 3y
Centique @Reggie that sums it up perfectly. 😂😂 3y
Centique @LeahBergen so true! Hillary is like a saint or something. 🙌 3y
Centique @Bookzombie thank you Margie! 😘 3y
TheAromaofBooks That's so fantastic!! He may also enjoy this documentary, which is on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovFT7ji-D2c - it has loads of not just the photographs, but actual film (as in, moving pictures! From 1915!) from the journey. Dad & my husband thought the documentary was a really fun supplement after they had read the book, so your dad may like it, too!! 3y
Cinfhen Yay!!! I‘m excited your dad picked the book back up xxx and how cool there is actual FILM @TheAromaofBooks 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - it's sooo cool - actual footage of the men climbing the rigging of the ship, wrestling with the dogs, cooking food, etc. I didn't actually read the book myself, but after listening to three family members go on about it, I feel like I have 😂 3y
Cinfhen Ha!! You are quite a captive audience 😁 @TheAromaofBooks ❤️ (edited) 3y
Centique @TheAromaofBooks that is great to hear! He usually won‘t watch tv or video but I will try 😘 3y
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This is the story of the history of gemstones. Everything from Faberge eggs, to Mikimoto‘s patented pearl culturing process, to how Taylor‘s diamond and the Hope diamond had roots with Marie Antoinette. There are also stories about Elizabeth I, the Spanish thirst for New World emeralds, and the invention of modern wristwatches, among other tales. Interesting stuff! #audiobook

#pop21 #rockgemormineralintitle

Cinfhen hoping to read this one 👉🏽 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen doesn‘t sound like my kind of book, but I hope you enjoy it! 3y
DogMomIrene I‘m loving the title. Clever👏🏼 3y
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CarolynM Stacked🙂 I just LOVE to look at beautiful jewellery 3y
Megabooks @DogMomIrene isn‘t it? 😃😃 3y
Megabooks @CarolynM I hope you enjoy it!! 3y
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Finally getting to this #audible title I‘ve had in my queue for years for a #pop21 prompt. I‘m enjoying the history of gemstones more than I thought I would.

I‘ve put Shuggie aside for a couple of days. It‘s a lot to handle!

Who am I missing in the tag??

Cinfhen @KarenUK ❤️❤️ 3y
Cinfhen I still haven‘t completed this one yet.... 3y
BarbaraBB Agree on Shuggie! I‘m about halfway and there seems no end to all darkness and disappointments. 3y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen thank you! 😘 I‘ve done 27 at this point. Shuggie (B&W cover) and this will be 28 and 29. 👍🏻 3y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB right? It is so sad!! I just feel overwhelmed at times. 3y
Cinfhen You‘re on a roll 🎲🎲 3y
Cinfhen Even though Shuggie was so sad, I cared so deeply for him. And I thought Shuggie was able to find the light even when it was so dark...Shuggie has wormed his way into my #ToB21 heart @BarbaraBB @Megabooks 3y
Kalalalatja I think I‘ll finish Shuggie today, and I can‘t deal with how sad the story is. But I can‘t stop listening either @Megabooks @BarbaraBB @Cinfhen 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen @Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB yes definitely!! I‘m very invested In Shuggie‘s life. I‘m glad to know there‘s hope though! 3y
Cinfhen Oh, I‘m so glad we‘re all on board the Shuggie train 🚂 @BarbaraBB @Kalalalatja @Megabooks I can‘t remember if @KarenUK has read Shuggie??? I feel like Karen would be in the love camp💕 3y
KarenUK No not yet, but definitely going to....💕 @Cinfhen (edited) 3y
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Purple Poodle
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This is such an enjoyable book!
The characters are so interesting , and relateable.
The whole story is so sad and sweet.
Even the cover on this edition is beautiful, just love the bright, and quirky illustration.
Another wonderful find at my fave bookstore, Cover To Cover, in Riverview, NB :)