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I've struggled with an extreme anxiety disorder for years, so I found Jenny Lawson's book incredibly #inspiring. I also consider her taxidermied raccoon Rory my #FavoriteAnimalSidekick. #PhotoADayNov16 #Novemberland

WordWaller I'm glad you liked this book! I also have an anxiety disorder though it's been so much better this year than in the past. I haven't even wanted to read this book until this point! 8y
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Peter Pan | J M Barrie
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Hello again! Today's #novemberland challenge is Cheshire Cat: Favorite Animal Sidekick! I've loved all of your picks so far! It's so fun to see what you come up with! I myself have to go with Nana from Peter Pan! I love her sweet heart and her love for the children and Mr. And Mrs. Darling! #favoriteanimalsidekick

The Hero and the Crown | Robin McKinley
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#favoriteanimalsidekick This could go a lot of ways, but Talat from The Hero and the Crown is just the best. Best friend to Aerin in so many ways and is an authentic opinionated horse :D
#novemberland #horses #favoritesidekicks #animalsidekicks #RobinMckinley #fantasy

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Alice I Have Been: A Novel | Melanie Benjamin
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Is it cheating to actually pick the #cheshirecat? I bought him at Disneyland when I was a little girl. #favoriteanimalsidekick #chesirecat #novemberland

TizJ3ss Not cheating! Gotta love Cheshire!! ❤️❤️ 8y
Cinfhen I love your photo 😍 8y
tasha @niki.inwonderland 8y
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My #FavoriteAnimalSidekick in real life is a pooch named Gus! But my favorite literary #AnimalSidekicks have always been the fire lizards in the Harper Hall Trilogy!

#Novemberland #Day3

KarenUK Gus is so cute! 🐶💗 8y
Suzze Gus is adorable. Is he best friends with your cat? 8y
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kspenmoll Sweet face! 🐶 8y
the.bookish.valkyrie @kspenmoll and it's so hard to get a good picture of his sweet face! The Force was with me today! Lol 8y
Lizpixie I love Menolly and her Fire lizards! They've all got such individual personalities. 8y
Bette 🐶❤️ 8y
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It was hard to resist not to use HP (have you noticed how these books correspond to all the challenges) or direwolfes from A Song of Ice and Fire. So I decided to present the cat from the books by Joanne Fluke where the main character Hannah Swensen share an apartment with the ever-hungry cat Moishe.
Can't say that this is my #favoriteanimalsidekick but it was fun and quick read appropriate for the time when you have head full with heavy stuffs.

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The Serpents Trail | Sue Henry
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When I thought of an animal sidekick, my first idea was Stretch, the dachshund in Sue Henry's Maxie and Stretch series. I miss Sue Henry's books, and hope she is well. #favoriteanimalsidekick #Novemberland

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Abhorsen | Garth Nix
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Pretty sure this is my third post in the past month about the Disreputable Dog. But seeing as she really is my #favoriteanimalsidekick, I had to post about her again for the #Novemberland challenge. The DD takes such great care of Lirael, who so desperately needed a friend.

Abby-J The fan art is from this page: http://squidfaces.livejournal.com/2338.html 8y
[DELETED] 1250735911 !!! Disreputable Dog ♥️ these books and characters were fantastic--I'm so happy that Goldenhand is out :D 8y
Abby-J @Rituleenreads I read Goldenhand last month. It was pretty great. It does a good job tying the events of Clariel back into the main storyline. 8y
[DELETED] 1250735911 @Abby-J oh good! I was wondering how he would do that with Clariel! 8y
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In praise of the courageous and valiant Reepicheep. Chief Mouse of Narnia, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion. Renowned for his chivalry and skillful swordplay. He fought with Prince Caspian and voyages to End of the World on the Dawn Treader. A most loyal and brave mouse.

"Sire," said Reepicheep. "My life is ever at your command, but my honour is my own."

#novemberland #favoriteanimalsidekick

Tcip Reepicheep!! 8y
Abby-J He is the very best animal sidekick. 8y
HeatherBookNerd Reepicheep is such a badass. 8y
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[DELETED] 1250735911 Reepicheep was the coolest ! 8y
JTRobertson I wish there'd been a book where Reepicheep and Puddleglum went on an adventure together. My two favorites! 8y
LeahBergen I love him! I picked him for a challenge last month? The month before? 8y
ultrabookgeek Reepicheep is awesome!! I consign for adventures with he & Puddleglum. 8y
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#favoriteanimalsidekick has to be the Cat from Coraline. #novemberland #day3 @TizJ3ss