I don't know if this is my #favoriteneilgaiman since I've only read a couple of his books, but Stardust is my favorite so far.💫
I don't know if this is my #favoriteneilgaiman since I've only read a couple of his books, but Stardust is my favorite so far.💫
#photoadaynov16 #favoriteneilgaiman This is the only one I've read. It was an #audiobook car listen with my daughter a couple of summers ago and we both really enjoyed it. I definitely need to try one of his novels and now thanks to you Littens and @RealLifeReading I have a great list to choose from!
#FavoriteNeilGaiman Only Neil Gaiman book I've read... #Nov10 #photoadayNov16
#favoriteneilgaiman Probably Good Omens is my favorite but sadly, I don't own it. Ironically I just got this one at the library today so,...photo op with Dexter.
I haven't been keeping up with the daily photo challenges but I couldn't not do my #favoriteneilgaiman. I've read and listened to many of his books and this is still my favorite. I love Bod and Silas. Most importantly, I love Neil Gaiman. He's a genius! 🌌🌠💕💕 #photoadaynov16 #teamgaiman #forever
oh, and then there's this. definitely a contender for #favoriteneilgaiman even though I haven't finished it. I actually jumped up and down with glee when I received this.
thank you, @RealLifeReading, for a much needed distraction today as I thought about all my favorite NG. it geeky good to have something positive to dwell on 😊
I adored this book when I acquired it earlier this year. Such a clever retelling of the Sleeping Beauty tale. #FavoriteNeilGaiman.
what's my #favoriteneilgaiman you ask? I've been thinking of this all day! American gods is probably my all-time favorite; trigger warning is awesome and signed; good omens because Terry Pratchett. I also have volumes 1-3 of the sandman annotated, and that was what got me turned onto NG. basically, he's my favorite contemporary male author.
#photoadaynov2016 @RealLifeReading
Confession: I have yet to read a book by Gaiman, do not make me feel bad!! Lol. I did put this book on hold at my library so I'll let you know what I think! #favoriteneilgaiman #photoadaynov16