The GRANDMOTHER. Eeeew #favevillian. How the heck did I get my hands on these to read in eighth grade?!? And what happened to my copy of Seeds of Yesterday? #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
The GRANDMOTHER. Eeeew #favevillian. How the heck did I get my hands on these to read in eighth grade?!? And what happened to my copy of Seeds of Yesterday? #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
I haven't read the comics but Kilgrave was amazing in the show. David Tenant was brilliant! #FaveVillian #PhotosForSept
#favevillian is Bellatrix Lestrange. Her madness, single-mindlessness and cruelty are truly terrifying! I also tried to pick someone not yet mentioned, otherwise Hannibal Lecter and Robert Flagg (The Stand) also haunt me!
I've been reading a lot of King lately, so I'll have to go with the Man in Black & his many variations throughout King's work. #FaveVillian
#Day27 #favevillian is a tie between Joe in YOU and Cersei in Game of Thrones. Joe is the likable psychotic stalker that you root for to 'get the girl'. You forget that he's the bad guy. Cersei is manipulative and conniving. She literally slays. 👸🏼💁🏼 She's so evil that you end up liking her and at times feeling sorry for her...at least for a little bit. #somethingforsept #septemberphotochallenge #favvillians
My #favevillian is Sebastian Morgenstern
He is the most fascinating villain I read about I think, and one you are not disgusted of all the time while reading.
#somethingforsept #septphotochallenge
#somethingforsept #septemberphotochallenge #day27 #favevillian I have 3 villains that although are cruel, self centered & diabolical, all have 1 human quality that makes them hard to despise. Lanfear from The Wheel Of Time for her yearning for Lews Therin, Manon Blackbeak for her loyalty to coven & her flower loving wyvern, and Jaime Lannister for his fervent wish to be a better person even when believing in his own worthlessness.
#favevillian #somethingforseptember #septemberphotochallenge
It had to be Pennywise/It, The Crooked Man from John Connolly's The Book of Lost Things, and.Croup and Vandemar from Neverwhere. The photo for The Crooked Man is the costume from a play of the book.
How amazing is it that a character who only makes an appearance in one story (though mentioned in 5 others) and created solely to put an end to a beloved protagonist (because the author tired of his creation's popularity) is probably the most well known bad guy? The diabolically clever Moriarty is my #favevillian forever and always #somethingforsept #septphotochallenge