Loved the narration. Loved the representation, but overall it was just okay. Maybe fans of Pride and Prejudice will enjoy it more than I did. #blitsy #blacklitsy #representationmatters #canon #classics #prideandprejudice
Having recently started a rewatch of Star Wars: Rebels I decided to finally take this book off the shelf. The stories in it do a great job of giving context to some notable Star Wars characters, in particular Grand Moff Tarkin and Admiral Rae Sloane. Overall I enjoyed “Tarkin” more than “A New Dawn” as I think James Luceno is one of the best Star Wars authors, but each story was an enjoyable read.
A #bookexpo freebie. Read it on the bus back—short book, long trip. I'd love to get into it. As a Greek-reading former ancient history grad student frustrated by facile nonsense about the New Testament (“how do we know Jesus even existed?“ “Aren't ancient manuscripts just games of telephone?“), I've wanted such a book for some time. And it *mostly* delivers. But this 451 business is irritating. If I can't form a complete thought, why bother?