“From this distance everything is so bloody perfect.”
#onthejellicoeroad #theprettiestroadideverseen #melinamarchetta #LoveOzYa #yalit #literarywanderer #belovedbookshelf #sunset #august
“From this distance everything is so bloody perfect.”
#onthejellicoeroad #theprettiestroadideverseen #melinamarchetta #LoveOzYa #yalit #literarywanderer #belovedbookshelf #sunset #august
I caved and bought this beautiful #knickerbockerclassics edition of P&P when it went on sale for $5
#chooseyourownedition #singletitlecollections #belovedbookshelf #bibliophile #bookcollector #classics #janeausten #whatnewsfromkent
A mini coyote now graces the title page of my copy of Blood Bound—my favorite Mercy Thompson book.
#booksigning #patriciabriggs #mercythompson #urbanfantasy #belovedbookshelf
“Safe as life.”
I finished reading Opal and was completely incapable of not immediately diving right into The Raven Boys. This world feels like home.
#safeaslife #theravenboys #maggiestiefvater #belovedbookshelf #theboysandblue #booksofmylife #ganseyboy #adamparrish #ronanlynch #bluesargent #noahczerny #yalit #ruralfantasy #fantasy #theravencycle #rereading
“These were the rules.”
This story was such a treat to hold us over until the first Ronan book. My Ronan and Adam-loving heart is happy.
#theravencycle #belovedbookshelf #maggiestiefvater #ya #fantasy #ruralfantasy #ronanlynch #adamparrish #cabeswaterwassuchagoodlistener
A typical progression when I am besotted with a book, as I currently am with The Prince. It is, unquestionably, the best romance I‘ve read in an age. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#romantsy #katharineashe #theprince #devilsduke #historical #allthestars #belovedbookshelf #girlsindisguise
So fun to see my quote in the print edition of this lovely novella
#romantsy #novella #ruthieknox #angieville #belovedbookshelf
Because apparently one copy of Nine Rules to Break isn‘t enough, I ordered the UK edition. I feel much safer now.
#singletitlecollections #chooseyourownedition #romantsy #historical #ninerulestobreak #sarahmaclean #onlyeverralston #belovedbookshelf #bookcollector #mylibrary
I was such a goner. From page one. I cannot recommend this beautiful book highly enough. All the stars.
#ya #retelling #muchadoaboutnothing #shakespeare #historicalfiction #roaringtwenties #belovedbookshelf
I'm kind of giddily in love with this manga-style illustrated, full text P&P.
#janeausten #manga #giftedbooks #belovedbookshelf