When he said “Ronan,” it meant: Ronan. ❤️
#miseriafortesviros #thetreesspeaklatin #lastbookintheseries #bingeread #rereading #theravencycle #maggiestiefvater #favoriteline #ronanlynch #adamparrish
When he said “Ronan,” it meant: Ronan. ❤️
#miseriafortesviros #thetreesspeaklatin #lastbookintheseries #bingeread #rereading #theravencycle #maggiestiefvater #favoriteline #ronanlynch #adamparrish
“His damn tie knotted right for once”
This. Scene. Every time.
#theyhadrun #forhim #bluelilylilyblue #maggiestiefvater #theravencycle #rereading #bingereading #yalit #adamparrish #myheart #fantasy
“Safe as life.”
I finished reading Opal and was completely incapable of not immediately diving right into The Raven Boys. This world feels like home.
#safeaslife #theravenboys #maggiestiefvater #belovedbookshelf #theboysandblue #booksofmylife #ganseyboy #adamparrish #ronanlynch #bluesargent #noahczerny #yalit #ruralfantasy #fantasy #theravencycle #rereading
“These were the rules.”
This story was such a treat to hold us over until the first Ronan book. My Ronan and Adam-loving heart is happy.
#theravencycle #belovedbookshelf #maggiestiefvater #ya #fantasy #ruralfantasy #ronanlynch #adamparrish #cabeswaterwassuchagoodlistener
“Blue. My name‘s Blue Sargent.”
Blue sighed. “Jane.”
“Oh, Jane! I thought that you were saying Blue for some reason.”
#theravenboys #ravenboys #bluesargent #gansey #aglionbyacademy #adamparrish #ronanlynch #maggiestiefvater #trc #aesthetic #theravencycle
"It was mint and memories and the past and the future and she felt as if she‘d done this before and already she longed to do it again."
(Maggie is the queen of foreshadowing I swear)
#theravenboys #ravenboys #bluesargent #gansey #aglionbyacademy #adamparrish #ronanlynch #maggiestiefvater #trc #aesthetic #theravencycle #thedreamthieves #merakicandle