My Top 6 reads of 2019! #allourwrongtodays #stationeleven #crookedkingdom #daisyjonesandthesix #acourtofmistandfury #circe #top6
My Top 6 reads of 2019! #allourwrongtodays #stationeleven #crookedkingdom #daisyjonesandthesix #acourtofmistandfury #circe #top6
Happy after my trip to the library, but can't decide which to read first. Any suggestions...? #allourwrongtodays #thegirlbefore
This comes out on February, and if time travel novels are in your wheelhouse at all then you'll probably love this. Tom grew up in the futuristic 2016 with hover cars and jet packs that really happened- but he accidentally screws up history and ends up in the crappy 2016 we're used to. I flew through it. Add it to your TBR folks. 🤗🍋👏
#newbooks #timetravel #AllOurWrongTodays #greatbooks #fastreads #future #madscience
💥 Only 9% in but I'm really digging it. 💥
#currentlyreading #AllOurWrongTodays #egalley #boutofbooks #lunchtimereading #grief #technology #timetravel #scifi #fiction