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Heated Rivalry
Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
12 posts | 8 read | 2 to read
Nothing interferes with Shane Hollanders gamedefinitely not the sexy rival he loves to hate. Pro hockey star Shane Hollander isnt just crazy talented, hes got a spotless reputation. Hockey is his life. Now that hes captain of the Montreal Voyageurs, he wont let anything jeopardize that, especially the sexy Russian whose hard body keeps him awake at night. Boston Bears captain Ilya Rozanov is everything Shanes not. The self-proclaimed king of the ice, hes as cocky as he is talented. No one can beat himexcept Shane. Theyve made a career on their legendary rivalry, but when the skates come off, the heat between them is undeniable. When Ilya realizes he wants more than a few secret hookups, he knows he must walk away. The risk is too great. As their attraction intensifies, they struggle to keep their relationship out of the public eye. If the truth comes out, it could ruin them both. But when their need for each other rivals their ambition on the ice, secrecy is no longer an option One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance youre looking for with an HEA/HFN. Its a promise! This book is approximately 66,000 words
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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While waiting for my copy of Pole Position to arrive from the UK, I was looking for a rivals to lovers queer romance with a slow burn. This is exactly what I was looking for, and I loved it. 5 🌟‘s! I‘m reluctant to read the sequel in case it sours Shane and Ilya‘s story.

xicanti I loved the sequel just as much, except in a relationship-maintenance way instead of a relationship-inception way. 3mo
CarolynM ❤️❤️❤️ Have no fear, The Long Game is just as good. But I recommend you read Role Model first because Ilya is in it a lot and the time frames overlap so you will have more detail about some of the goings on. 3mo
RosePressedPages @xicanti Thank you! Hearing your thoughts, I‘ll have to pick it up now :) 3mo
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RosePressedPages @CarolynM Thank you!! This helps a lot. I‘ll have to read both. How can I be resist reading two more queer hockey romances? 😊 3mo
CarolynM It occurred to me today that I should refer you to Rachel Reid‘s website where you will find some essential extras. Enjoy! 2mo
RosePressedPages @CarolynM omg thank you for the info!! I'm heading to her website now 😂 2mo
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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It‘s #ManicMonday time! H is an easy letter.

Book: Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid

Author: Robin Hobb

Movie: Hocus Pocus

Show: The Hungry and the Hairy

Singer: Jimi Hendrix

Song: House of the Rising Sun

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hocus Pocus 🖤 🧙‍♀️ 2y
CBee I love that song ♥️ 2y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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I know I said I‘m not running #gaymay as a Thing, but I figured I‘d do some recs posts in case any of y‘all do want to read all (or mostly, or more) queer books next month. These grids are NOT exhaustive. They don‘t even include all my faves. They‘re just a bunch of great books for you to explore.

First up: romance. Individual books highlighted in the comments. The tagged book is for weird, emotional hockey romance with a hilarious loon scene.

xicanti For time displaced love in NYC: 2y
xicanti For class-crossing love in Regency England: 2y
xicanti For super-intense marriage in jeopardy drama: 2y
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xicanti For kinky allo/aro rockstar drama: 2y
xicanti For M/NB slice of life in the bestest city ever (ie, Auckland): 2y
xicanti For academics in long distance love: 2y
xicanti For YouTube and awesome friend groups: 2y
xicanti For bisexual folks in a marriage of convenience: 2y
xicanti For religious erotica featuring a roving band of kinky bisexuals: 2y
LA_Mead For the faux relationship trope—the dialogue in this one is awesome: 2y
xicanti @LA_Mead that‘s one of the faves I had to leave off because there wasn‘t enough room in the grid! 2y
BookNAround I read this one with an unusual sport (curling) earlier this year. 2y
xicanti @BookNAround ooh, this is now on my list! Curling‘s far from unusual around here, but I‘ve never read a book centred on it. 2y
CarolynM Love the #gaymay idea🙂 Some great books in your selection. I will look into the ones I don't know. Have you read Jay Hogan's Auckland Med series? The first one is 2y
CarolynM @BookNAround I'm going to download Fire & Ice right away 🙂 2y
xicanti @CarolynM it‘s on my list! 2y
Nutmegnc OMG so good!! 2y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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I was gonna read a library book next, but I‘ve read three awesome queer books in a row and I figure I might as well make it a guaranteed four with the second stop on my Rachel Reid Reread Tour.

HEATED RIVALRY is my fave. It‘s so gloriously emotional and weird. I mean, how many romances deliver hilarious loon scenes? NOT MANY.

AmyG Your sweet, beautiful dog..... ❤️ 3y
xicanti @AmyG he‘s always so sleepy and willing to be photographed first thing in the morning. 3y
Smrloomis This puppy is adorable! 😍 3y
xicanti @Smrloomis he‘s a constant distraction because he‘s so durned cute. 3y
Smrloomis @xicanti I‘m sure 😂 3y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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This is another enemies to lovers mm romance with lots of spice!! 🌶🌶🌶 I‘m totally not a sport person but Rachel Reid knows her hockey. The others in the series are also good but this one is something special! And she‘s FINALLY RELEASING THE SEQUEL!! In APRIL!!! I did a reread of this one and it was just as good! I can‘t wait until this pair finally have their HEA!! @chasjjlee

chasjjlee Oo, I love a hockey romance! Okay, I've only read one ? but I loved it! This one is on my list to read. I just finished "Topping the Jock" by Jaclyn Osborn (full disclosure hate the title & the cover) it's an enemies to lovers fluffy steamy football *coach* romance. So good!!! 3y
CarolynM I love this series and I am so looking forward to the next part of Shane and Ilya's story! There are some great hockey romances out there @chasjjlee Have you read 3y
Nutmegnc @chasjjlee that is a terrible title but sounds good!! 👌 adding it now!! 3y
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Nutmegnc @CarolynM I love it, too! So ready for April26! 3y
chasjjlee @CarolynM I have not read that one. The hockey romances I've read is Him & Us. And I just downloaded Egotistical Puckboy but haven't started it yet. I'm gonna look up winging it ☺️. 3y
chasjjlee @Nutmegnc it really is an awful title. I laughed when I saw it and clicked on it just to see how terrible the blurb was...but I was pleasantly surprised and read it and loved it 🤷‍♀️. 3y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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All these new books and I'm sitting here re-reading a hockey romance. I'm just not feeling it with anything more demanding at the moment☹️

TrishB Same ☹️ it‘s horrible isn‘t it. I can‘t seem to move away from thrillers and detective books! 4y
LeahBergen Yeah. I‘ve been in “light reading mode” of late, too. 4y
erzascarletbookgasm I know what you mean..just read whatever makes you happy or distracts you at the moment. Hugs. 4y
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Ruthiella I agree with @erzascarletbookgasm ... read what gives you pleasure. ❤️ 4y
CarolynM @TrishB @LeahBergen @erzascarletbookgasm @Ruthiella I have to remind myself that it happens sometimes, it's not necessarily about the state of the world right now... 4y
rockpools Your new books can sit there and look everso so pretty til you‘re ready to read them - they won‘t judge! 4y
PernilleHughes Romances are comfort in a book, I think. And a reread is an old friend, so given the current events in the world I completely understand your choice. X 4y
Cathythoughts Enjoy the hockey romance 👍🏻💕. 4y
Centique My 10yo made his first TBR stack yesterday - and today started reading something that wasn‘t on the stack. Welcome to the club I told him! But yes - read what feels good - I‘m still bingeing Gilmore Girls on Netflix. 💕 4y
CarolynM @Centique 😂 Yes, I'm always doing that. I stuck pretty close to my Bookspin lists for a while, but not last month. I've been strangely uninterested in watching stuff during this lockdown. I'm part way through so many things I've lost count, but I don't ever seem to be in the mood for any of them recently. 4y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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Part 2 of my 2019 Long List, presented in reading order rather than order of preference.

4.5-star reads are in bronze; 5-star reads are in copper. The former is my loved-the-hell-out-of-it rating; the latter means I loved it so much I‘m incoherent and/or verbose about it.

Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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July stats time! Yeah, I know it‘s a lot. One readathon and a whole bunch of one-day-only novels bumped me up.

I‘m thrilled I had 3 5-star reads last month! I emerged from July totally obsessed with Rachel Reid‘s hockey romances (GAME CHANGER and HEATED RIVALRY) and in glorious, stressful love with RED, WHITE, & ROYAL BLUE by Casey McQuiston. 2019 remains my Year Of Awesome Romance!

I‘m mighty glad I knocked so many books off La TBR, too. Go me!

Megabooks Awesome job!! 👏🏻👏🏻 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Fantastic 💕📚💕 5y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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The current #24In48 challenge is all about romance—and I just so happen to be midway through an unplanned Year of Awesome Romance (and Erotica)! These twelve books are probably my faves, but they‘re far from the only great romances I‘ve read in 2019. Somehow, the genre keeps on coming through for me in a huge way. I‘m mighty glad I fought past my assumptions a few years back and started reading it.

Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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OH MY GOD, Y‘ALL. Rachel Reid is officially on my auto-reads list. Her second book presents as a good boy/asshole enemies-to-lovers romance, but it‘s immediately obvious to the reader that Shane and Ilya don‘t actually hate each other at all. Reid ramps up the angst (and the steam) as she takes us through to the point where they realize it. It‘s a glorious blend of sexy, tense, deep, sweet, fun, & hilarious. (THE LOON SCENE.) I‘m in love. 5 stars.

Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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I emphasized the angst earlier, but this book also made me laugh really, really hard more than once. On top of that, Ilya has totally earned Preferred status on my Queer Assholes List.

jchawkins Loons roost in the lake in our town. “Canadian wolf bird“! I'm dying!! 😂 😂 5y
xicanti @jchawkins I‘m gonna be laughing at that description for DAYS. 5y
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Heated Rivalry | Rachel Reid
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Friends, I‘ve been waiting for this alllllll day. HEATED RIVALRY is about 6000% angstier than Rachel Reid‘s first book, GAME CHANGER, but it turns out she‘s awesome at both modes. I‘m gonna wallow in my book and eat my popcorn and try not to bawl my eyes out over hockey players in looooooove.