Surgery sucks… but I‘m getting a lot of reading done … so that‘s a plus
Surgery sucks… but I‘m getting a lot of reading done … so that‘s a plus
My #BookSpin list for February is full of books from my TBR, with the exception of Night Shift by Stephen King, which is the #LosersClub book of the month. I will be getting it from the library since I don't already own it. All of the other books will qualify for my #ShelfLove reading challenge and many of them will qualify for the #2025OffMyShelf prompts as well. I picked mostly shorter books since February is usually not a good month for me.
“The Ones That Love Us Never Leave Us. You Can Always Find Them." -Sirius
#Friendship #25Alive
Managed to read the book in less than a week, just after finishing Half-Blood Prince and because of that, my really slowed down for the rest of the month. #12booksof2024 #october
Utter perfection. I'm sad to have finished the series again.
This is one long battle sequence, hence the name. I found it very boring to read and ended up skimming most of the book.
Originally, Peace Talks and Battle Ground were one book. I would have preferred that. Cut a few bits out and make the narrative tighter and it would have worked. On its own, Battle Ground is a slog.