Books I read for #WintersRespite
Books I read for #WintersRespite
Books I read for #WintersRespite
I read several really good books and I am so happy for that 🥳
What a delightful listen this was! Being of a certain age although I don‘t consider myself THAT old, I commiserated with Veronica as I strive to make my days count for something. She‘s curmudgeonly but wonderful. You will love her - and her penguins! #15 #BookSpin #15 #BFC22 #ReadMyRoom #SERIES2022 #Buzzwordathon #READYOURSHELF #sharreadathon #KicktheSlump #20in4 #Pantone2022 Cascade #TidyBookshelfDiverseReading #WintersRespite
I finished it!!! Finally! This is definitely #AlmostAChunkster 640 pages of the most dysfunctional family ever. They were always plotting against each other and they were full of themselves. Anyway I‘m done with it and glad of it. #14 #BookSpin #9 #BFC22 #ReadMyRoom #AClassicAMonth #sharreadathon #KicktheSlump #20in4 #Pantone2022 Daffodil #TidyBookshelfDiverseReading #WintersRespite #TheRoyalReadathon
Finished this one yesterday - a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Her family was nasty and wanted to make her marry Tom the Bailiff so they didn‘t have to do any work. She indentured herself to the “beast” character and discovered many ways the Lord was looking out for her. I loved it. Plan to read more. #13 #BookSpin #24 #BFC22 #FAIRYTALECHALLENGE #SERIES2022 #sharreadathon #KicktheSlump #Pantone2022 Poppyseed #WintersRespite #TheRoyalReadathon
This is the second book in The Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley. It follows Ali as she deals with her father‘s death and other things which lead her to find out about her true heritage. It was a very touching story and I loved it. On to the next! #12 #BookSpin #3 #AlmostAChunksterChallenge #BFC22 #ReadMyRoom #BOOKED2022 #SERIES2022 #READYOURSHELF #FabulousFebruary #Pantone2022ColourChallenge Glacier Lake #WintersRespite #TheRoyalReadathon
Just finished Bookish and the Beast! It was cute. Loved Rosie. She‘s so spunky and real. Setting this fairytale in a contemporary place & time is refreshing. #10 (9 were audiobooks - I have to read more print books!) #BookSpin #4 #BFC22 #ReadMyRoom #FAIRYTALECHALLENGE #SERIES2022 (finished this one) #Buzzwordathon July #READYOURSHELFCHALLENGE June #Pantone2022ColourChallenge CoralRose #WintersRespite #TheRoyalReadathon Thomas O‘Malley
Cynthia Hand, I hate you! Not really, but I was doing so well until the last 2 minutes of the audiobook, then my heart was pounding and I just burst into tears with seconds to go. Then it was over and there was no confirmed resolution! It just stopped! If you can‘t tell, I loved the book. Not really a spoiler. You should read/listen to it anyway. ##9 #BookSpinBingo #11 #AlmostAChunksterChallenge 464 pgs #BFC22 #Buzzwordathon #WintersRespite
One my book besties is hosting a #readathon during February. She usually hosts the #wintersrespite readathon in January but this year she has decided to host it during February. I hope you can join. Sign up information is linked below.
In the meanwhile, I'm totally off of my TBR for the #boutofbooks and the #wintersrespite with this book from Clara Pinto Correia 😂