I generally struggle with the decision to DNF, so I have a few selections that qualify for #didntlikestillfinished. These are from the last 6 months or so. I'm always hoping a book will redeem itself. #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
I generally struggle with the decision to DNF, so I have a few selections that qualify for #didntlikestillfinished. These are from the last 6 months or so. I'm always hoping a book will redeem itself. #marchintoreading @RealLifeReading
But for every good read, there's got to be a stinker. My #worstof2016: Burying The Honeysuckle Girls (ugh), Oh Dear Silvia (ughhhh), Double Exposure (wonderful premise, dull execution - how was this so dull???) and The Last Boy And Girl In The World (my #1 #threwitacrosstheroom)
Doesn't this sound patronizing? So, he could have done better? Geez. In case you missed my last post, Bell was married to a deaf woman (Picture of Alexander Graham Bell and his wife taken from internet). Almost ready to be a #threwitacrosstheroom
After this election I was hurt. Hurt that we elected a human with so much hatred. I didn't know how this could happen, but I realized I was confused and hurt because I didn't understand. I had blinders on. I realized-to understand, I would need to explore differences. My 2017 goal is to read, experience, and learn as much as possible. The only way to create meaningful change is to celebrate and respect difference. I felt Bern was the best start.
Friday night question: should Litsy be a safe place for Trump supporters? I get the sense that most of our American Littens preferred Clinton. Should we embrace people regardless of Presidential preference?
Day 9 of #angiebookishnovember is the WORST book I have ever read. I read it with a coworker since we both adore #thephantomoftheopera. It read like exceptionally bad and pretentious fanfiction. #threwitacrosstheroom
The first paragraph of chapter 3 is a wa-a-y overdone attempt at "atmosphere." I nearly #threwitacrosstheroom for what we folks in Texas call "hokeyness." Get over yourself and get on with the story. Needless to say by the next paragraph the author abandoned most of the "atmosphere" and it hasn't been seen since. And the book has markedly improved for it. Why didn't an editor chop this idiotic paragraph?
I have a stack of books (waiting to be donated) that could qualify for #threwitacrosstheroom but in all honesty aside from never actually throwing a book the only book I can think of in recent history that mad me mad enough to consider throwing it was The Concubine's Daughter by Pai Kit Fai. I actually never finished the book and ended up giving it to my mother in law.#photoadaynov16
The biggest #eatmetryme moment in a book was when Edmond goes all piggy for Turkish delight... And then I tried it myself and was pretty much confused and offended 😂 #novemberland. Since I'm thinking of Narnia, the last book in this series was totally a #threwitacrosstheroom (I felt so betrayed that I felt he sacrificed the story for the moral!) though the short story (wasn't it by Gaiman?) sort of brought it home for me. #photoadaynov16
Eek! Crazy weekend meant that I fell behind in posting my #picturebookmonth installments. This looks like I #threwitacrosstheroom, but in reality it was one of my all-time favorite fairy tales as a kid. I loved anything with witches and spells turning people into animals. There seemed to be so much danger and evil in this story.