I would love for this detective series to be adapted for TV. The mysteries have a lot of layers so I think it could sustain a lot of episodes for each book. #ThisShouldBeATVSeries/Movie #BiblioMAYnia
I would love for this detective series to be adapted for TV. The mysteries have a lot of layers so I think it could sustain a lot of episodes for each book. #ThisShouldBeATVSeries/Movie #BiblioMAYnia
#thisshouldbeatvseries on Netflix or Hulu!
#FallIntoBooks #ThisShouldBeAtvSeries
Come on, seriusly. Chicago in the 1920s, gangsters, flappers, Prohibition... and fae, magic and mystery.
Who can resist?
#catchingup on #fallintobooks #day28 - #thisshouldbeatvseries
Plenty of great, cinematic action scenes with room for the writers to flesh out character interactions and the larger plot trajectory.
I finally got Litsy to work for me again! This beautifully written historic fantasy series would make an awesome TV show. #fallintobooks #thisshouldbeatvseries
The eleventh installment of the Billy Boyle series starts with quite a hook and catches back up to the chronology of the ninth book and ends up taking Billy to France! #ThisShouldBeATVSeries for sure! @RealLifeReading
#fallintobooks #thisshouldbeatvseries
I would love to see one of these chunksters turned into a series.
If this was a television show, I would totally watch it. #ThisShouldBeaTVseries #FallintoBooks @RealLifeReading
I LOVE this series! Her spinoff series are also amazing! #ThisShouldBeATVSeries #FallIntoBooks @RealLifeReading