Day 10 - #ForestGreenCover #FallFinds
#TheBoneCollector #JefferyDeaver
I need to watch this TV series.
Day 10 - #ForestGreenCover #FallFinds
#TheBoneCollector #JefferyDeaver
I need to watch this TV series.
3-12-20: My 21st finished book of 2020! Gruesome, fast paced and well written. I guess I have a new series! #thebonecollector #jefferydeaver 🌟🌟🌟🌟 👍🏼📖#️⃣2️⃣1️⃣
3-1-20: I won a copy of The Bone Collector on Goodreads!!! 🎊👏🏼🔪 🦴 #thebonecollector #jeffreydeaver 📖👍🏼
I‘m a big believer in book vs film. I like to see all sides. Currently reading two, this one, #thebonecollector is not unlike #lordoftherings where it has an interesting story but things get lost in too much unnecessary detail, like before that orc battle in the middle of #thetwotowers and #tolkien describes, in excruciating detail how each blade of grass feels about the upcoming battle. It can get annoying at parts but overall very good